GetDen sockets/switches

Anyone got any of the sockets/switches from and know whether they’re standard ZigBee?
Looking at them as potentials for my wiring in the house, and would love to be able to add them to my zigbee2mqtt instance.

+1 for this info.
Keep an eye on these threads over on the smart things forum:

from the 2nd post looks like they abandoned zigbee, or at least doing something non-standard…

Response from Den:

Thank you for your enquiry.

We have chosen to go with our own protocol instead of Zigbee as this allows us to offer a much better out of the box experience with our own hub and our own app, compared to the alternatives. We are mindful that our users are interested in integrating Den with other ecosystems and will be announcing details on how they can achieve this in the future.

Please send us an email if you have any further questions, alternatively check out our F.A.Q page at

Thank you,

Peace and Love,

Well, that’s a bit of a shame.
I’d think it’d be more the latter, just non standard, rather than trying to invent another iot protocol from the ground up.
But, here’s hoping they release further details soonish

The switches and sockets really klunk when they change state. Unmissable in the same room and noticeable from the next . No good for bedrooms at all.

Any chance of a video of them in use at some point?

There is already a thread here about these devices. Please search before posting.

They show no sign of being good for anything much from what i have seen. Den equipment

I searched… and found this thread.

And all the others, including the one I linked to.

Actually no.
First I searched “Den” - not any useful results since many posts for den rooms and denon equipment.
So next I searched for the url “getden” and got this thread.
The thread you linked didn’t get returned for either of my searches…

If I specifically seach in hardware category its the 5th result.

There you are then, so this thread should never have been created :slight_smile:

Same here. Nothing really turned up bar dead threads and generic UK plug wiring threads.

Iv been looking at these to thay had them in my local electrical wholesalers