Getting announcements on Google Home

I’ve been digging around for a way to make announcements on my google home for events. Like for instance if my motion sensors get triggered. It looks like there is a way if I pay a third party $5 a month but I can’t believe that is the only option.
I know Google doesn’t support push announcements yet but isn’t there some other way to make this happen?
I’ve got HassIO on a raspberry pi and a Samsung Smart Hub along with a variety of Smartthings sensors.
I’ve not found anything recent about this issue…am I still out of luck?

You are mixing two different concepts here.

  1. To get the Google Home to announce events all you need to do is create a TTS action in an automation using the Google TTS platform.

  2. The $5/month fee is for HA Cloud but you don’t have to use it. Use the ‘manual’ Google Assistant install which won’t cost you anything if you want to have the Google Home listen to your voice commands and control HA.

Once you have set up the TTS platform you can include a service call like below in the action of an automation:

  - service: tts.google_say
    entity_id: media_player.kitchen_googlehome
      message: 'Someone is at the front door'

Also have a look at this for an alternative to the HA tts.

Hey - thanks for the direction here guys…I now have something to work on. I’m hoping I can get this figured out this weekend when I get some time away from work.
Thanks again!

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