Getting "Error doing job: SSL handshake failed" spam in log, any ideas?

you can find it in the http doc:

ayes, never saw that before, thank you. pointing to Security/Server Side TLS - MozillaWiki and all about compatibility.
Still, lowering to intermediate feels like less secure, while in fact the errors might origin elsewhere, or need the originators to ā€˜modernizeā€™. Not sure if we should do that.

well i tried and it doesnā€™t fix it anywayā€¦

I also use docker and have the same kind of errors.

Figured Iā€™d chime in; Iā€™m getting the same errors as well.

Has anyone had any traction on this? Is it posted to Github, or do we have any visibility?


Iā€™m getting this on 0.83.X rolled back for now as Iā€™m not sure what implications it might have. Iā€™ve chimed in on a Github issue that has previously been opened here.

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I think Iā€™m in the same boat you are, running in docker, custom domain, lets encrypt cert, valid (non-expired) cert, etc. My logs are filling up with the damn ssl errors. Iā€™ll provide another use-case on the github issue.

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I rolled back a couple of days ago and everything was fine. This evening I have upgraded to see if the latest version some how fixed the issue but no luck.

Now strangely I have just rolled back once again to 82.1 which didnā€™t show the errors when I rolled back last time but is now showing the errors. A little worried if this leaves me vulnerable to anything.

I seriously doubt this would cause any kind of remote execution issue, or any kind of unauthorized access. We still have a valid cert, and the user authentication mechanism in place.

If youā€™re seeing / following this thread, please go :+1: this github issue, the more attention it gets, the faster it would get resolved:

Fwiw - I switched from duckdns lets encrypt setup, to using the same certificate but for nginx reverse proxy and get 90% less SSL errors. I used to get a ton, which I think is just various parts of addons/template/whatever using the wrong url (whether its https or not, internal IP. or domain). I still use custom domain, just the ports are redirected differently and its using nginx proxy instead of traditional ssl I guessā€¦ anyhow, i still get occasional ssl error similar to above, for random thingsā€¦ it seems the longer I have HA running between restarts - the more the errors pile up, however the interface and operations are all untouched (still working fine). And its significantly less than before I switched to nginx reverse proxy method. At least 90% Iā€™d sayā€¦

I found out that I wasnā€™t logging out correctly, due that my home assistant was with several active refresh tokens. After delete all of them and always properly log out my home assistant, the problem with ssl handshack has disappeared.

Check this out in your home assistant profile (itā€™s the first item of sidebar).