Getting iPhone apps that support Hue to work with Hue emulator

I actually filed a request myself with Sleep Cycle, before I noticed that there already was a pending one by OP.

Today I got this cryptic reply: "
Thank you for contacting us.

This has now been reported and notes, will be included in one of the upcoming updates. Thank you for your feedback."

I’m not sure if that means they’ll release note their bug, or actually fix it.

Well it is progress to get a reply from the dev on this issue. :+1:

I still only have auto generated responses from creating issues…

Would you mind explaining how to apply this patch for us non-coders? I would really like to integrate Sleep Cycle as well but am not sure how to apply the patch.

Thank you!

@oakbrad At this stage it’s probably a bit difficult to use if you’re a non-coder, but maybe…

In short: “git clone”. Modify the variables at the top of the python script to suit your system. Note that you must use port 80, the standard web port, so you cannot be running any other web service at that port on the same machine.

Then you use the ha-local-echo program from my repository the same way as you use the normal, un-patched version.

There was a new version of Sleep Cycle released about a week ago. Unfortunately, it still seems to suffer from the problem with only using port 80. :frowning:

I’ll stop waiting for any more fixes from Sleep Cycle and try to get my additional fixes into the Emulated Hue component in HA, so it at least works even if you need to reserve port 80. It’s on my “spare time todo list” so it can happen anytime between tonight and later this spring…

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Turned out that it was closer to “tonight” rather than later… I have implemented the changes needed in emulated_hue to get it to work properly with my Sleep Cycle app, but I’d like to put it through some more testing first before trying to get it merged.

@magicus Awesome! Do you know whether this can co-exist with an actual hue-bridge on the same network?

I can do testing if you’d like :slight_smile:

I don’t know but I think so. I guess it depends on how well Sleep Cycle can handle multiple hubs.

Hi there @magicus!

Any progress :slight_smile: on getting your improvements integrated?


Hi @Robban,

Sorry, no progress. :frowning: Real Life has interfered with my ability to spend time on Home Assistant at the moment. I’m also feeling a bit snubbed by LifeCycle promising to fix the port 80 issue and then not doing it… It’s annoying and convoluted for me to test changes when I need to shut down my main web server, which also delayed development. I tried to set up a virtual IP on which I could open port 80 without interfering with my Apache. While I got it to work in the end, the solution was too messy to keep around.


How much work did you get done, and how much is left. I now have this issue but I’m happy to contribute PRs if you can point me in the right direction.

Also can you explain how Sleep Cycle discovers your service? I can’t for the life of me get Sleep Cycle to ack the existance of my running ha-local-echo service. I’ve watched UPNP responses, Wiresharked for SSDP packets, the whole shebang but nothing!

Anyone tried?

Yes, that is what this topic is about.

sorry didn’t read it all.
Tried @magicus git, works perfect (only tired without dimming)

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Nice! Was it that easy? Then it should be easy for someone to make a pull request.

it’s easy to run a separate ha-bridge, don’t know how much is needed to fix for a pull request. But yes it should not be that difficult

Did you manage to get this to work with sleep cycle?

I’ve added it, but I don’t own alexa or google home so I can’t test if the new code will break the component. Can someone test it?
