Getting New Lines To Display In Messages From Call Service Node (For WhatsApp)

Hi there I’m a beginner user of Node RED, and I’ve been able able to cobble together different nodes and functions to read and process the states of different sensors from Teslamate, and subsequently deliver a notification via the Call Service Node. The msg.payload delivered to the Call Service Node captures “/r/n” to represent New Lines. This works properly for my Call Service Node when using the domain NOTIFY. However, it does not work properly when using the Call Service Node for the WhatsApp addon : as the “/r/n” characters are output in the message.

-I’ve tried in Step 2 : “//r//n”
-I’ve also tried triple mustache in the Step 3b : “text”: “{{{payload}}}”

Below is a breakdown of what I’ve done. Thanks in advance for any insights provided.

Step 1: Read State From Sensor

Step 2: Capture Sensor Value Into Template Node
-Mustache template
-Output as plain text
-captures “/r/n” for New Line

Step 3: Join msg.payload from Step 2 into a new msg.payload

Step 3 Debug

Step 4 (Notify) : Service Node Processes Payload

Notify Output - Perfect

Step 3b : Take msg.payload from Step 3 and convert to PARSED JSON output using Template Node

Step 4 (WhatsApp) : Service Node Processes Payload from Step 3b
-must used PARSED JSON from step 3b
-must check on “Use alternate template tags for the data fields”

Whatsapp Output

In the real old world, a physical printer required a carriage return and a line feed to move the printer head to the start of the line, and the paper up one line.

In ASCII we have CR as hex 0d (13) and LF as hex 0a (10). We often call either/both just ‘new line’ as they usually mean much the same end result.

In Unix world, lines are terminated with just the CR. To make life easy, in Unix world this can be given as \r (return) in a string. The \n (newline) also works similarly.

These are escapes - the \ is an escape that says whatever follows is special, and Unix will replace \r with hex 0d character. This happens either at the point of creation, or at the point of use.

In Windows world (and I believe Whatsapp world), lines are terminated with CR and LF. There are also other worlds which use LF and CR, and just LF, and then there is IBM, which is on another planet.

If you create a string in Unix world, to use in Windows world, you need CR LF as two characters. This is “My love is like\r\na red red rose”. However, this has to be decoded from “\r” to %0d, and this has to happen in the Unix world. If the decoding does not take place, you end up with ‘\r’ and not the CR character.

Some bits of Node-RED will understand \r and convert it for you.

Templates are another matter. Jinja engine (as far as I know) does not understand \ and will take a given string (your template) and process it looking for {{ as escape characters. The \ is just another character like any other.

I suspect that, as you have gone to such great lengths to use Jinja templates to both create and manipulate the strings throughout your flow from start to finish, there has been no opportunity for anything to actively convert \r\n in the strings. It is working using the HA notify service, since the \r\n probably gets converted at the point of use there. HA notify service is in Unix world.

I therefore suspect that the solution is to process the string somewhere along the line using something other than mustache templates. As it happens, mustache templates are not that good at building data objects for the call service node either, and I would always look to use JSONata instead. I very rarely use templates outside of HA.

I would like to suggest that you stop using the template node for doing your work, and use a change node and JSONata instead.

Step 1 - current state node, use the output properties to set msg.payload (you don’t need a special name) to ‘entity state’

Step 2 - use a change node with JSONata to set msg.payload to

"Range: " & payload & " km \r\n\r\n"

This will create a string, using msg.payload value, and will insert and convert \r\n for you at the point of creation.

To prove the difference…

msg.payload as number 345 in the inject node, goes through a template and through a change node JSONata. Top is the change node, bottom is the template.

Please note that

  • the debug window shows the \n as a special symbol. the \r has been converted but will only show if you click on the output to display as a ‘string’. It does work.
  • you must use the J: (expression) option in the change node ‘to the value’ box

That should (I hope) make it work.

Your use of template nodes in step 3b is a conversation for another time.

I have to declare my interest as a fully paid up member of the JSONata appreciation society. I am, therefore, biased. You are, of course, entirely free to choose. :expressionless:

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Thank you so much for your VERY detailed explanation @Biscuit. As it relates to JSON / JSONata syntax - your teachings should be stickied somewhere. Thank you for taking the time to demonstrate the differences.

To close the loop on my submission, I ended up changing all of Step 2 from Template Nodes to Change Nodes as you recommended. This fixed issue for the WhatsApp Service Node, but subsequently failed for the Notify Service Node. The solution was to setup the Notify Service Node the same as the WhatsApp Service Node.

Updates are as follows :

Step 2 : Capture Sensor Value Into Change Node (JSONata)

You can check the syntax by clicking the “ellipses” and then clicking on the TEST tab.

Step 3: Join msg.payload from Step 2 into a new msg.payload. The example below joins 2 x msg.payload together. If you have 6 x msg.payload, change the circled section to 6.

Step 3b : Take msg.payload from Step 3 and convert to PARSED JSON output using Template Node.



Step 4 : Service Node Processes Payload from Step 3b
-must used PARSED JSON from step 3b
-must check on “Use alternate template tags for the data fields
-Data section does not need to be filled in, as it gets the information form 3b Template
-you can use the same node for both WhatsApp and Notify if you want



Many thanks again to @Biscuit for his guidance!