Getting this device into LocalTuya

I just purchased a DIN-rail mounted thermostatic controller to add to my home-built file-cabinet smoker. I can add it fine in the Smart Home/Tuya app, but am unable to see anything in Local Tuya (missing data points).

Going to the iot page for tuya, this is the output I get for device information:

  "result": {
    "devices": [
        "active_time": 1672180805,
        "biz_type": 18,
        "category": "wk",
        "create_time": 1672176456,
        "icon": "smart/icon/bay1598402984069otRu/1655429172bcbe7eb2ec1.png",
        "id": "ebd6a6ab1a871e0each1wf",
        "ip": "xxxxx",
        "lat": "xxxxxx",
        "local_key": "xxxx",
        "lon": "xxxx",
        "model": "AT4PTW",
        "name": "ATORCH-Temperature Controller (AT4PTW)",
        "online": true,
        "owner_id": "xxxx",
        "product_id": "xxxxx",
        "product_name": "导轨式温控仪(AT4PTW)",
        "status": [],
        "sub": false,
        "time_zone": "-05:00",
        "uid": "xxxx",
        "update_time": 1672281784,
        "uuid": "XXXX"
    "last_id": "1672281784",
    "total": 1
  "success": true,
  "t": 1672327446237,
  "tid": "d547987c878c11ed8bf3266109e39bbb"

Am I fighting an uphill battle with a device that’s not supported?

This is one of the parameters you’ll need in localtuya. Is the devices being initially discovered?

Yes, but no data points are being found

Faced with a similar problem. No one knows how to solve it?
Maybe this will help: GitHub - syssi/esphome-atorch-dl24: ESPHome component to monitor and control some Atorch meters via bluetooth

I managed to add AT4PW but I can’t add sensors because they are displayed as a number and I can’t understand the sensor type. there are a lot of them and they are not added automatically

Maybe this can help you, it shows how to add the different entities? How to add new LSC power plug energy monitor to HA?

To understand their goal use the API explorer > Device Control > Query Things Data Model. Look at the values and compare it with what you would expect and set the scaling factors.
A mapping looks like: {"abilityId":18,"accessMode":"ro","code":"cur_current"

I was able to add the values of current, voltage, power and power factor, but I could not configure the essence of the settings for selection from the list, they do not work when selected