Getting to stable 1.0

It’s a stament which has been made numerous times in this thread already… Anyway I’m lookig forward to your first PR.


Why does this NEED discussing?

Again, a real issue to whom? There are literally countless happy users, and a few who make a lot of noise every time they don’t read the release notes and increasingly make angry posts that their config needs to change.

Strong disagree.
If you want to make a clone of IFTT or GoogleHome or Hue, or whatever else, sure. Easy to configure, and entirely useless to most “power” users without outside tools, sure. The reason most of us use HA and not one of the other solutions (SmartThings, Hubitat, Etc) is because of the power user nature of HA and the flexibility it provides. I know you said “still allow it for advanced users” but I think we both know that both options rarely if ever happily co-exist; given the option of moving to user-friendly options or what how we do it now, many of us would prefer the current system.

I’m glad there is some motivation there, but just raising this on the community forum and “having a discussion” comes off as complaining more than a desire to help.

Another user said “I think the upset arises when someone new joins the forum and hasn’t earned their stripes.” and that’s certainly true. It comes across as someone who hasnt even put in the effort to see what the right channels to go down are. “Lurk more” is a phrase I remember from a long time ago, but the point is that all the different github repos, the discord, etc, are all things that you can pick up by spending more time here reading the forum and getting a feel for the workflow before announcing that you want to help move the project forward, seemingly without researching the basics of how that can be done.


and comes in and wants to complain about how the releases are done and somehow thinks he can be representative of all the diverse opinions on here anyway. It’s the height of arrogance to do this.

He has numerous times been pointed to the places where he can express HIS views but he is not representative of most people here. He certainly does not represent MY views.

Now if this was a long time poster here who helps other people it might be better received.


Then I recommend you spend your time exploring the Feature Requests category.

I checked your profile and you joined 2 days ago and all your posts have been in this one topic. Yet you’ve been representing yourself as some sort of (self-appointed) lobbyist for the HA community who will bring all our requests to the developers in order to achieve 1.0. Given that you were unaware of the existence of the architecture discussion (on GitHub), and you have no history of participation in this community, your lobbyist credentials are suspect to say the least.

Developers know our requests, they’re documented in Feature Requests. They cherry-pick whatever interests them. As for a 1.0 release, that’s entirely up to the project’s founder whose vision and plans are documented in print and in video. For average users, eavesdropping on the architecture discussion provides some visibility into Home Assistant’s future. If you want to rub shoulders with the developers, there’s the Discord channel. Lastly, participate in this community forum to learn about the intricacies of Home Assistant. This one thread is just a keyhole view.


Every few month someone comes along and complains about this and that and instead of contributing to the code base, documentation or else nothing happens other than moaning about how bad HA is or how much better it could be or that there is no 1.0.

This is OPEN SOURCE. Either accept the way things are and be grateful for the work that hundreds of other have putter into or go and look elsewhere for a better project. Projects like this live from contributor not complainers, that’s the way it works. And topics like this are just energy lost.


Well that’s good news. Hopefully you can contribute development wise to what’s a very new but in some ways a very mature concept in home automation.

The commercial sector have tried to grab this concept and make it their own but Home Assistant is way beyond what any single commercial entity could hope to achieve.

They do say that Microsoft gave you Windows and Linux gave you the whole house. I’m just looking forward to what’s coming next from Home Assistant.

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No offence was taken, I take your point. :slight_smile:

Because I am an active forum member who attempts to contribute regularly to assist people looking for help with configuration, and automations etc. Being active means I read the forums, many times daily and see these same posts being made ad nauseum.

At no point have I claimed not to care.

Agreed, this is why I posted the video for you in the first place, so you could watch the over 1 hr video from Paulus to see the direction and vision that he and the dev team have. It seems, from watching the video, they are in no massive hurry to become 1.x or stable, they have much to achieve before getting to that point and don’t want to put a time stamp on when it will occur.

Which is awesome, the dev channel is probably the best place to do this, however. Get amongst those guys and speak with them on Discord to get a better understanding of what you may be able to do.

+1 to this explanation, sums things up very well.

+1 and AMEN