I have tried a couple of things with partial success, but I am afraid that in the process I may have messed things up. First I followed the integration documentation (https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/wirelesstag). Basically involves just putting my wirelesstags.net username and password into config.,yaml. This works, as far as it goes. But it’s going via the cloud and is a bit slow to update.
So I decided to try getting push updates from the Tag Manager to work. First step was blocking access to HA from outside my network (we aren’t going much of anywhere these days anyway) and disabling https. tried following the directions in the “Basic guide to getting wirelesstags working” thread, but apparently I have a newer version of the Advanced Rest Client than the one in the guide; the screen does not look exactly like the one I see, and my trial and error has not worked. Anything I have tried to POST results in a red “REQUEST ERROR” message.
So OK, I can live with cloud updates for a while. The real problem is that now I am getting a notification every couple of minutes about "Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from ". How can I stop these notifications? Or what could I do to keep the login attempt from failing?
Here’s my (redacted) auth_providers configuration:
I have exactly the same notification problem in relation to Wireless Tags, which I have not been able to resolve. I don’t think it is a wireless tag issue, however - there are other threads referring to a variety of devices, here for example. The issue seems to have been around for some time: most of us end up ignoring it - it doesn’t seem to do any harm (although the notifications are annoying).
Joy. OK. thanks. So the real question is whether the push updates that cause the login attempts I get notified about are actually working or not. If so, then it’s just an annoying false notice that I could live with, but if not, then I still have to figure out how to get the login attempts to work.
I saw in another thread where somebody decided to use “caddy” to reverse proxy incoming https, which allows running HA without https (internal network only) while still having outside connections encrypted. I read up on “caddy” and it supposedly takes care of all the details with obtaining “letsencrypt” certs automatically (I get headaches whenever I have to deal with certs), so it looks promising. The biggest headache with it is that they just did a major version jump, so all the docs are for the new version, but all the distro packages are still the old version (including Fedora which is usually on the bleeding edge). So I will have to see how it goes.