Glance card item calling service

That looks like it worked and the button does the action. It just isn’t displaying the current status. The fan power is, but, the other three just have the ‘off’ with line through the circle

Three? We only made one switch.

Sorry, I did the auto, night & oscillation at the same time. The power isn’t actually syncing either. I will have another look

      - type: glance
        title: Kids Bedroom
          - entity: sensor.bedroom_humidity
            name: "Humidity"
          - entity: sensor.bedroom_temperature
            name: "Temperature"
          - entity: fan.bedroom
              action: toggle
          - entity: switch.fan_auto
            name: "Auto Mode"
              action: toggle
          - entity: switch.fan_night
            name: "Night Mode"
              action: toggle
          - entity: switch.oscillation
            name: "Oscillation"
              action: toggle

Ok but what do the template switch configuration for the others look like?

Also just to make sure my template is correct, turn on oscillating mode on your fan then go to the developer tools template editor, select everything (Ctrl+A) and paste this:

{{ is_state_attr('fan.bedroom', 'oscillating', 'true') }}
{{ is_state_attr('fan.bedroom', 'oscillating', true) }}

Do either of them reurn a true result?


Right. Then you have to change your switch templates. Remove the quotes around ‘true’ in the value and icon templates:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Oscillation
        value_template: "{{ is_state('fan.bedroom', 'on') and is_state_attr('fan.bedroom', 'oscillating', true) }}"
          service: fan.oscillate
            entity_id: fan.bedroom
            oscillating: true
          service: fan.oscillate
            entity_id: fan.bedroom
            oscillating: false
        icon_template: >
          {% if is_state('fan.bedroom', 'on') and is_state_attr('fan.bedroom', 'oscillating', true) %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
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Thanks @tom_l that did the trick. The only curve ball is that when you put the fan on “auto” mode, it can turn itself off when the air quality is low, but, kicks back in when it is bad. So it isn’t really off, however, the sensor registers it as being ‘off’ when it technically isn’t.

Either way, I think that will do me for the card. It is more than I was after originally and I do appreciate all your help :smiley:

The system won’t let me mark 2 solutions :blush:

You could definitely do something with this attribute to overcome that:

auto_mode: false

Just depends what you want.

I think I am happy with it. Although I am interested in knowing what would that do? Would that make auto mode totally not accessible?

That’s up to you. Having a drop down list with the following available selections


Instead of an on off switch would be one option.

Not at all.

Interesting. I am curious as to how you would convert the glance card entry into a drop down list instead of a click button… or is it the case it would be a different item rather than the glance card I have been using?