"Glances" sensor module - what's the formula?

Does the URL give any responses in a web browser? Check Glances API documentation for all available calls

Yeah, this is goofy. Making a call on my host browser returns properly. Using curl on my Raspberry Pi (my HA machine) also returns properly. It’s proper JSON from the look of it - I haven’t run it through jsonlint, but it looks right to me.

Does Hassbian run HA in a dockerfile? Or a venv? I’m trying to find the actual Python sources so I can drop in the modified glances.py I tweaked last night.

Hey man, my apologies. I got it working.

I set it all aside to run some errands. I gave it another shot and all is cool. I must have had a typo that I just couldn’t see because I was frustrated.

Thanks for the solution.