It seems to be working now, but not sure if the problem was only DuckDNS. I also have Alexa integration, and there wasn’t any problem with that. Devices worked smoothly to Alexa orders, only Google Home was wrecked.
I still have problems. I recreated the projects in google.
Once done I can get to the page to fill out my HA credentials and log in. It indicates that HA is connected but after waiting for a while it again indicates that “Something is wrong. Try again.” without adding any devices.
So for my instance it is still not fixed unfortunately…
Changed to cloudflare. This drives me nuts…
Now, 1 day later, it all seems to be working again!
Hi everyone.
Both my Google Nest integration and Google Assistant integrations recently stopped working.
I think this all has to do with Google deprecating their OAuth2 identity authentication method. There is this document from google explaining that the old OAuth method will stop working entirely after October 3rd, 2022.
During this time, I switched from Caddy to Nginx Proxy Manager to work with DuckDNS, which I believe is a better solution anyways.
AS a solution I removed the integrations and created completely new projects for both integrations from the relevant google managment pages and now both Google Nest and Google Home integrations are working. However, they both do not behave the same way as they used to before.
Nest integration has a very minimal problem. After a reboot or cold boot it gives an error and wont work for some time but gets to working state after a while. Maybe this is an unrelated issue, I’m not sure.
The Google home/assistant integration is a bit more problematic. The exposed HA devices appear in Google home but their control is a bit flaky. For example if I want to turn on an exposed HA light from Google Home app, when I click the light button, the light turns on but the button still shows up as off. Then I have to click the button one more time, then it shows as on. Same thing when turning off too, clicking two times. This is very frustrating. However, the interesting thing is that it seems to work fine with voice. I can control with voice and if I would ask the assistant if the light is on, it says it is on.
I also checked the state with voice after trying to turn on from the google home app. while the button shows as off, when the light had actually turned on, if you ask the state with voice, it says that it is on even though the button shows off.
This makes me believe that this could be an home assistant integration problem.
Anyways, I hope this information would help someone.
Best of luck.
I think these two threads are about the same thing.
This is again broken for me. Appears to be the same issue as a few days ago. Changing from CNAME using duckdns URL to A using IP again fixes the issue.
Mine’s mostly ok, however duckdns has been going up and down quite a bit from my monitoring of their service.
I’m in the process of switching to my own domain, and using a local shell script on the host to handle the IP mapping for my DNS records via the GoDaddy DNS API’s
Here everything went back to normal three days ago. I didn’t change anything and the same way it stopped it came back
Do you have any documentation on how you would set this up? I also use GoDaddy and am curious how I would go about this.
it’s actually quite easy - you register an appropriate subdomain and API key at GoDaddy, then I use the following script, which is called by crontab every 10 minutes
You can register the API Key at
myhostname="<your subdomain>"
gdapikey="<your GoDaddy API Key"
myip=`curl -s ""`
dnsdata=`curl -s -X GET -H "Authorization: sso-key ${gdapikey}" "${mydomain}/records/A/${myhostname}"`
gdip=`echo $dnsdata | cut -d ',' -f 1 | tr -d '"' | cut -d ":" -f 2`
echo "`date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'` - Current External IP is $myip, GoDaddy DNS IP is $gdip"
if [ "$gdip" != "$myip" -a "$myip" != "" ]; then
echo "IP has changed!! Updating on GoDaddy"
curl -s -X PUT "${mydomain}/records/A/${myhostname}" -H "Authorization: sso-key ${gdapikey}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[{\"data\": \"${myip}\"}]"
logger -p $logdest "Changed IP on ${hostname}.${mydomain} from ${gdip} to ${myip}"
worth noting that doesn’t REALLY log anywhere, but it’s there for completeness, and I can always turn it on if I need it at a later date.
Crontab entry:
*/10 * * * * /home/andrew/scripts/ > /dev/null
When you run it manually, the output looks like this:
No changes required:
2022-10-11 12:21:50 - Current External IP is, GoDaddy DNS IP is
Change made:
2022-10-11 12:24:19 - Current External IP is, GoDaddy DNS IP is
IP has changed!! Updating on GoDaddy
I ran into this issue tonight, I do not use duckdns, what seemed to work from me was deleting my service account key and making a new one then recreating my service_account.json with the new key. Not sure if its exactly the same issue as what I’ve read here, but sure seemed like it…
Constant Errors like this below:
2022-10-13 22:41:55.965 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.google_assistant.http] Request for failed: 400
I set up a binary sensor (ping) for my DuckDNS url. At least, I’ll know if/when it’s down and send me a notification. In which case, I can use a VPN connection as a workaround … until I get annoyed enough to pay for a domain name
you could always switch to no-ip - Home Assistant
Also have a look in your router and see what Dynamic DNS providers are supported, there’s quite a few free ones out there - have to run the Lets Encrypt certificate Add-On without the DuckDNS component in it to do certificate management on HA though addons/letsencrypt/ at 4a14c0fed3e867abe60150a8c01319210111e011 · home-assistant/addons · GitHub
I have also been experiencing these issues and use the duckdns addon for dynamic domain name server and they also kindly give me that free Domain name. Currently it seems to be working albeit slower in terms of response and I still get very occasional cannot reach …testing. I use Caddy reverse proxy which handles letsencrypt.
So this was all great how others made tutorials and add-ons that helped us all get this up and running for years. The problem now which is with myself is I don’t really understand well how this all works.
I understand that duckdns maps my IP address to nice letters which humans can remember better and stays the same even if my IP address changes. I also understand that they are giving me that name which costs money with other providers. I understand also that Caddy talks to letsencrypt and keeps my certs up to date and even just a little but not much how letsencrypt makes sure that I actually am in ownership of that domain name.
I dont understand A records or Cnames or wildcards and a whole bunch of other stuff. I also tried awhile ago to migrate from duckdns as soon as I heard rumbling about it affecting the google assistant migration but somehow couldn’t get it working( the WAF was getting worse and worse as I tried so I gave up lol). Also I had a another free domain name from my router but the company that was providing it kept deactivating it (even though they weren’t supposed to b/c you know…money) unless I logged in to there web portal every 2 weeks or something.
I guess I am still reliant on more knowledgeable others for help. Are there any network engineers out there that really understand what’s going on and can explain. I dont want to spread FUD but I read that this could be related to possibly the parallel cyberwar that’s going on right now.
Lastly does anybody have directions for using Caddy and not using duckdns and a free DNS that doesnt nag. Thanks for listening to my ramblings lol
Hello, I’m facing again no connection home assistant - google home.
Exactly same issue here again.
It worked perfectly after the last drop/downtime, but it’s starting to act up again.
Weirdly enough, sometimes Google home app seems to show some lights as available, but only for a split second.
Adding to the confusion, there is a group of lights I just exposed to Google home (desklights) yesterday, and today even when it cannot connect to anything else, it shows desklights as available (ish).
Yesterday it did not work.
This morning it was working.
Now it does not work.
Somehow it does not connect anymore to duckdns or someting else is happening.
The strage part is, when I open my browser or the home assistant app it connects normal with duckdns only the google speaker does not work.
Hi. I believe there is a global issue as currently I also cannot reach HA from google assistant (duckdns). HA devices are offline in google home app and their appear online for a short moments and then go offline right away. Might be something with google<->ha issue, as I can reach my home assitant from duckdns url
I am experiencing this issue for a couple weeks now.
I am NOT using duckdns, instead I have my own domain, setup using A records.
Google integration worked fine for two years and since a couple weeks it’s broken. I have to repeat my voice commands two or three times before google exexutes them succesfully.
Even when re-linking my account it needs multiple attempts before google can connect succesfully.
It’s very annoying.
Here are some logs from Google:
I cannot determine what’s wrong besides the fact that google encounters a Backend_Failure_URL_Timeout. (and that’s weird because i’m om a 1000Mbps Fiber connection and ping times never exceed 4 ms)