Google Assistant Linking issues (Version 0.77.2) - 405 error

Hi All,

I upgraded to 0.77.2 and had changed a few of my names, added new lights etc. and realised I hadn’t re-linked my Google Assistant in a while.

I followed the usual process I had done a few times before, go into Google Home app, click “un-link”, then hit “link” and now it won’t authorise against my system.

I removed my project completely from Google Projects, followed the latest instructions via:

Updated my configuration with the new project details, etc. restarted home-assistant and tried again. Still getting the same error:

405: Method Not Allowed

I was using the API_Password command to pass the password across with the information

In my config file, I have the following for http - which is working.

  # Secrets are defined in the file secrets.yaml
  api_password: !secret http_password
  # Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.
  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

I can also confirm that my system is remotely accessible over ssh - thinking its to do with the authentication method I am using.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Any problems with Google component are usually resolved by unlinking the app on your phone and then running the simulation mode again in Google Assistant (actually Google Developer Tools) and then relinking. I have done this countless times now.

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Datamonkey, good to know I am not alone!
davidFW1960, unfortunately it is the re-linking piece that isn’t working for me. I tried running the simulation again and re-linking but I am still getting the 405 error during the linking process.

Hi @mitch
the relinking seems to work now. At least I get a screen popping up that has “Account now linked”
but after that the Google Home app has some issue. “Can not update settings …”
And then it all starts again.
I found an old post of mine where I had the 405 error, maybe it helps you:

and the answer:

I just found this in another post, maybe we need to add this?

   - type: legacy_api_password

  api_password: !secret http_password

I am not home, so can’t check if I have that or not …


My Google Assistant Component is working without legacy. All legacy is commented out.

I think it might make a difference when you configured the component as the instructions changed. I am still using the original integration where you needed to run gactions. The newer integration seems to require the API key to be entered and if you have that integration I am sure you will require legacy_api support.

The newer integration might be simpler than the original but seems like the auth was better before.

Indeed. Any time a change is made to the “Draft” you must relink the account. In the past this wasn’t the case but it is now. Annoying to say the least.

I changed from the old gactions to the new one because it did not work yesterday.
Might just try to resurect the old version …