Google Assistant Local SDK - Local Fulfillment

I do have terrible latency as well. Not sure why.!
I’m testing on a Google Home mini (gen1)

I’m wondering though if we’re comparing apples to apples between local and cloud. If you think about the architecture, for cloud, the ms may represent the cloud reaching the device. I don’t think it calculates the trip to the cloud from the google home but I am not clear about that.

On local it should be the device to the HA. Single trip.

I might be entirely wrong though.

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How can you be sure query intents (so getting state) are made locally?
For execute intents I have logs but never for state.
If it is from Google cloud console, does that mean we cannot know what is done if using Nabu Casa?

You can see them in the logs as well. (without nabu at least. I don’t use nabu)

Ask google “hey google, is the kitchen lights on?”

Yeah, I stopped using nabucasa, never worked there… Now since the updated .js file, it finally works

Nabucasa would be better if we could have some answers to our questions.
I cannot say it does not work, but it is half-working on my side.
I say half but maybe it works but as I cannot check it, I cannot know if it really works or not.

I have nothing in logbook when asking if a light is on.
Looks like nabu casa makes some thing unclear.

You can still use the local debugging to see if it is local.



You also see in HA itself, in the logbook, if commands are local





@pergola.fabio yes but not for queries. I think that’s what he was asking about. btw, that image isn’t a local command. It should say local.

Ahh ok, indeed not for queries

Has anyone confirmed this is working with a Google Nest Hub? I’m having issues with that device doing anything local.

EDIT: It needed a restart. I don’t think I ever restarted it. Works okay.

Could someone link me to the official google docs that say we need to use HTTP and not HTTPS for local fullfillment? Having a tough time finding that requirement being listed.

When I look at this code lab it says HTTPS is fine

The app can use TCP/UDP sockets or HTTP(S) requests to communicate with local devices.

It’s not there yet @dshokouhi

There is a PR for it to update the docs

There is a PR for that. IT isn’t listed but i’ll link to the chat I had in one of the issues as well. One minute.

I am referring to docs by Google, not updated HA docs guys :wink: I wanna see it from the horses mouth lol

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The issue isn’t the capability on the Google Side. It is about the certificates being used for hte mDNs. When the device comunicates with HA on HTTPS, the certificates would not match the domain name and it would terminate its response. I’ll find the PR related to that.

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Unfortunately this is not doable with Nabucasa.
To be able to use it we have to be connected using the google account which is the developer for the Google Assistant actions, if Using with Nabu Casa only Nabu Casa developers can use the inspect button for each device and debug.