Google calendar, show location, start and end time in sensor not working

Yes, same here. It would be nice if they could take a page from the new weather_panel and format a card more like a calendar.

I wanted to create a daily TTS briefing but when I saw that I gave up.

Not with this. The Google Calendar component is more for triggering than it is an event calendar. I use it as one though.

Calendars/Agendas are one category that doesn’t really have any component or ‘bridge’ in HA. Maybe some dev will take up the challenge!

I know this is a old post, but I hope somebody can answer this.

I have created sensors so I can trigger automatons.

this one here, im stumped on

  - platform: template
        value_template: "{{states.calendar.nfl_season_calendar_usa__cleveland_browns.attributes.location}}"

this is what i would see:

Watch on CBS (Ch 027, 5261, 7831) - I did go in and remove everything manually but they must update the calendar so whatever I put there may get changed back. I need to get just the value of the CBS in that line, but the CBS could change to ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX or NFL NETWORK. Is there a way to template this?


can it be because of 2 of underscore between usa__cleveland

no, its correct and the sensor is working fine. I just need a way to just get the information extracted from that line to only show if its. CBS, NBC, ABC or NFL NETWORK because the site changes my calendar information occasionally. Im going to use the information I receive to tell HA what channel to turn to before the game starts.

I hope I didn’t confuse you lol