Google Cast BlueIris Cameras with Home Assistant!

If on your Google, you say: Ok Google, stream , does it work? I followed the step, I can see the cameras in Google Home but I get the error.

Which log did you check?


I checked the HA log and there were error messages there. But I don’t have them anymore so I cannot paste them here :confused:

Sure the streams work using the Google. But it takes time to load and the quality could be better. Hopefully can be tuned with some settings later…

Do you remember if the camera was trying to play the m3u8 file? It looks like my log file says: playing m3u8

2020-12-02 15:26:05 INFO (MainThread) [] Started stream: http://10.X.X.X:81/h264/Back/temp.m3u8

Tell me, if you input the stream_source url in Chrome, does it play? Mine download a 1kb file that I cannot open

Sorry for the delay, busy days… Yes, the stream shows up and runs without a problem. Moreover, I am able to cast the original camera streams to the chromecasts now. I dunno why. Maybe because I set the Internal URL in HA to be the same as the external one. I don’t want to mess with it anymore since it works now.

i’m using the following code

- service: media_player.play_media
    media_content_id: http://<BlueIris_IP>/mjpg/garagefront/video.mjpg
    media_content_type: image/jpg

and this is the resault

my problem is the caption “Playing Default Media Reciever” never disapear :frowning:
i’m using chromecast 4

please help

3 years later, same thing? The stream component buffers on my Nest Hub?

Check out ll_hls: True to enable Low Latency HLS Stream - Home Assistant

What are you casting to here? Chromecast? What format? H264? I know an old thread but really interested in how to cast RTSP streams to my chromecast.