Google device tracker and cookies

of interest. my google tracking is no stuck on “away”. no great loss I dont trust google anyway

The guidelines are consistent with what you said. The “location_tracker” part is not literal, it’s the left hand side of the email address (before the “@” symbol) but with any dots (.) replaced with underscores (_). So:

[email protected] ->

and similarly:

[email protected] ->

Anyone finding that the cookie expires rather frequently? I’m having to export cookies about once a day. It’s not bad if I’m at a computer, I can just click Copy in the Get Cookies extension and paste into the cookies file in HA and restart, but when I’m not at a computer it’s just broken. I wish there was a way to automate this.

I was hoping that plugin would do it automatically.
Anyone know which github repo we can file an issue against ?

I’ve only just re-added the integration, after having my HA installation off-line for a few months (due to moving house). As it’s been online for 22 hours, I can’t say this problem affects me. But I’ve had updates from Maps into HA within the last 30 minutes. I’ll keep an eye on things over the next few hours.

My logs show this event, around 2h30 minutes ago:

Logger: locationsharinglib.Service
Source: components/google_maps/
First occurred: 12:15:10 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:15:10 PM

Received response code 500 with context )]}' [["er",null,null,null,null,500,null,null,null,13],["di",4690]]

The repo is here: core/homeassistant/components/google_maps at dev · home-assistant/core · GitHub


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As stated in another thread, I use a dedicated “dummy” goggle account towards which locations are shared, and which I don’t use for anything else, nor login to, and I never have to update the cookie manually.

My cookie file is currently dated 22nd Oct 2022, and the device tracker “last updated” is from 5min ago.

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I too use a dummy google account, but I have to refresh the cookie every 2 weeks or so.

Weird, I’ve got the “The cookie file provided does not provide a valid session” error in my homeassistant log, but my device tracker sensors contain correct and up-to-date data.