Google Home & Amazon Echo

Actually once we get everything in place is pretty easy indeed, I dont know about letsencrypt I’m not using atm. Alexa was very straight forward just added the emulated_hue component pointing to Alexa, GH took me awhile to figure out how to pair successfully and then to get the right configuration to have it along with Alexa.

Awhile the ladies in the house prefer to use Alexa because it is just funnier then calling out Ok Google, I prefer GH, my voice recognition is much better and its at least twice as loud as my echo dot 2nd.

Ordered a few orange pi boards with 8gb on board and some buttons gonna clone both and see which works best for me and place them around the house.

Not sure about Alexa but the latest code for the Pi Google Home doesn’t need buttons, it works off voice recognition as well.

Are you using the multiple emulate hue configuration with the alternate python or just the standard emulated hue in HA? I was using the multiple example that I referenced in an earlier post.

I ask since my configuration looked different:

    type: alexa
    host_ip: !secret alexa_host_ip
    listen_port: !secret_alexa_listen_port
    expose_by_default: false
      - light
     type: google_home
     host_ip: !secret google_host_ip
     listen_port: 80

Are you using the standard emulated_hue component?

just the standard emulated hue, in my case GH didnt like being hue2 or anything other then

  type: google_home
  host_ip: IP.HASS.RPi3
  listen_port: 80

then for Alexa I did:

emulated_hue a:
  type: alexa

i use letsencrypt and seems to work fine with that too.

Thanks, I will give this a try later.

I made the changes to look like yours, rebooted everything, got it all assigned, and turned off my automation to reboot the wink every day. Fingers crossed!

With Letsencrypt, are you using the IP address or the url?

I just opened the 80 port as you did and have used it with GH & Alexa
I didn’t add the type and it works well at both side.

sudo setcap ‘cap_net_bind_service=+ep’ /usr/bin/python3.4

listen_port: 80
- script
expose_by_default: false
- switch
- script
customize: !include customize.yaml

The below are parts of customize.yaml

  emulated_hue: true
  emulated_hue_name: "Bathroom Fan"
  emulated_hue: true
  emulated_hue_name: "Bathroom Light"
  emulated_hue: true
  emulated_hue_name: "Bedroom"
  emulated_hue: true
  emulated_hue_name: "Bedroom Bright"

Just wanted to post an update that day 1 still shows everything to be as it should, no duplicates.Thanks @Sthope !

Both Alexa & GH appear to be functioning normally. I may test later with a Wink reboot to see if it effects it. May not need to. Early on in my setup with Wink it required regular restarts for some reason.

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