Google Home: Could not reach [test] myapp. Please try again

Problem solved. “ Manual setup (if you don’t have Home Assistant Cloud)” Google Assistant without Nabu Cloud works.

My problem was Duckdns related to my internet provider.
The ip4 address is just a nat address. This causes Google to try to access my HA via the ip4 address. I could try my luck, but then there was no response from Google.

The solution was incredibly simple. The ip4 on Duckdns was deleted and an automatic update was prevented.

It’s been running for 2 days without any problems. But now I have 2 new ones  My VPN WireGuard® is causing problems. The IP4 is gone and will probably have to display it again for the Fritzbox. And on Google I get:

Add capabilities
Seamless Setup Support local query
not selected.

But I’ll find that too. It doesn’t work, it doesn’t exist.

This has to work. do you get your login? Check your proxy and Google answers you. My solution is below.

I get my HA login page, and there when I enter credentials I am getting message could not reach [test] homeasssistant. Please try again.
I even switched off rule in cloud flare, now I am getting following message

But that’s good. You just have to adjust your yaml config

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how to adjust?
its already there

  project_id: zoki-somethingsomething
  service_account: !include SERVICE_ACCOUNT.JSON
  report_state: true
  expose_by_default: false

I have managed to connect, but only when I exposed all entities to google home, now is such clutter…

A switch would have been enough☺️

diagnosis update 2 : Solution
issue with ip and dns resolution
yes duck dns , no ip like other services can help you to get access over internet but if you using ipv6 only then your google home app show error "could not reach [test] all

solution you need ipv4 as well to resolve ipv4 if you don’t have ipv4 like me here is solution for that as well

buy domain or if you have domain configure with cloud flare it will resolve your ipv4 queries and transfer to you on you over tunnel

before you setup cloud flare make sure you turned of reverse proxy like nginx and duck dns or no ip or what ever you are using

setup Cloudflare in home assistant

then google home and Alexa will work without any error

I got this working after trying a few more times. It may have been a cloudflared issue for me.

no luck at all here.

  • got it working, but was i guess 1-1,5 year ago
  • not working anymore now
  • Nothing changed


  • home assistant OS
  • cloudflare SSL on ‘FULL (strict)’

Got the ‘HA2024’ app visible in Google Home, but when adding, it says ‘cannot reach, blablabla’.

quite desperate…

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I have the same issue, I filled out privacy policy , logos etc. I can not get logged in from my phone, tried iOS android, reinstalling google home app. Ridiculous how easy to setup Siri and home bridge but all these hoops just to get my devices into google home for my android devices.

I may have found a solution that worked for me

Head to select the correct project, from the navigation menu select APIs & Services and head onto the OAuth consent screen

If the publishing status is like in the image, click on BACK TO TESTING


After that, try to add the device again in the Google Home app and it should appear

Thanks @Tomcose96, that seemed to work for me as well. I had to add myself as user as well.

I noticed that after cloudflare update my devices starts randomly going offline sometimes then I unlinked Hass from Google home and then I can´t likked it again. So I went under Cloudflare security and noticed under Events that Cloutflare are blocking Google with Bot fighting mode. After turning off Bot Fighting Mode I get linked my Hass project whitout problem.


Wow, this was exctly my problem. I don’t think in a lifetime I would have suspected this was the problem. You made my day. Thanks!

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hello. I am struggling with this error. When I log in to Google Assistant it gives me an error message: Could not connect with [test]

How did they solve it?

Same problem here. No solution yet.

Stil struggling here. Tried several ‘solutions’. But no success…

Like this; How to connect Google Assistant using the Cloudflare tunnel - #38 by paulbaird87


and this: Google Home: Could not reach [test] myapp. Please try again - #58 by Tomcose96

no success at all…

This fixed it for me as well! Turning off ‘bot fight mode’ in cloudflare under ‘security’ → bots

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Thanks you! After digging through so much, this was my issue as well. Turning off bot fighting in cloudflare fix the issue