Google Home: Could not reach [test] myapp. Please try again

fixed this problem on my router. I had country restrictions to allow only Australia. Took this off and it works fine. I put US and UK back on and restricted all others and it still works fine

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absolute legend, thnx.


we are the 05 october 2023 and the problem is back…

i use duckdns,

its just me or some have the problem back please?

I just got installed Google assistant on my HomeAssistant today.
It worked couples of hours and now got same issue as described in this thread.
Could not reach HomeAssistant Test from Google home anymore and cannot launch an update from Google assistant integration on HomeAssistant (got 404 error)

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thanks @Anisse4

seems i am not alone…

are you using DuckDNS?

Yes using duckdns also…
Voilà voilà…

dont think its a DuckDns problem because i succeed to relink my [test] APP but in Home APP android, my devices are connected, then 10 secondes after, disconnected, in loop…

Seems there is a problem on Google Servers side…

If you want to relink your [test] APP dont forget to delete the link of any Homeassistant shortcut on your smartphone home page, because it doesnt work if a shortcut of the app or a shortcut of HA in web browser is on the home screen.

I am also using DuckDns and getting the same connect, disconnect loop on the Home App and a Unable to sync devices with result code: 500, when resyncing in Home Assistant

this morning, i wake up, tell google to sync devices, it works again, i can control devices by voice, and change nothing…no relink app, not settings at all…seems back to normal…lets see…

Same here… sync google home worked, then launch from home assistant a synch google assistant and then lost the link.

Retried couple of hours after, sync devices from google Home, working again. This time I will not launch service sync Google from Homeassistant

Same issue! I feel in the past I would only be told it couldn’t reach the Test app after a HA update. Syncing my devices would fix it. Now (over the past month maybe) I have to resync every few hours and 70% of those sync time it claims they can’t reach the test app.

This time I will not launch service sync Google from Homeassistant

What do you mean by this?

I don’t understand why this tip isn’t included in every tutorial about this situation. Thank you!

Same here:

  • Cloudflare for external access

on linking it shows:

“Could not reach [test] xxxxx”

Anyone a hint?

Same with me. Tried everything, and it turned out that I had a region block policy on Cloudflare, blocking Google’s servers.


I use DuckDNS also. The “Sorry I could not reach” issue has been around for years, it comes and goes on its own. There isnt anything you have to do other than wait and it always sorts itself out after 2-60 minutes approximately. This issue, in the last couple months, has become more common. I’ll try using the re-sync tip to speed up the recovery. It would be nice to drop the google assistant and switch to local processing, but maybe this wont ever be possible because my speakers are all google.

I have duckdns setup with a single URL, mydomain.duckdns
I have my own domain setup in google domains with different dns entries for each app (home assistant, sonarr, emby, etc). home.mydomain, emby.mydomain, etc. I’m using nginx to forward those urls to the internal ip:port#. This all has always worked fine for me.

So i can access home assistant outside of my network by just going to i dont include any port numbers or anything like I do internally.

One things I am getting confused on is the correct urls I should be using in the setup on the google side in the console cloud and console actions. In the walkthroughs I’ve watched it asks for you to use things like:

Do I need to use the port number in the URL since I dont need it when accessing HA externally?

Also, when I go to my HA internally or externally , it loads and adds /lovelace/dashboard to the end of the URL. Does /lovelace/dashboard need to be in the URL of the google setup?

Last question, in HA setup under Settings ->System->Network, for Home Assistant URL, do I need to put anything in there since I can access it externally as is?

Should the duckdns url be in there (like it shows in the UI example) or my google domains url?

For anyone that happens to have the same mistake as me. Verify you did not rename your file to “SERVICE_ACCOUNT.json” ; it needs to be “SERVICE_ACCOUNT.JSON” with the extension also capitalized.


that is really the solution. I’ve been at this for so long.

Many thanks from Germany to user beloved Spain :wink:

How did you fix it? I’m having the same problem