Google Home not able to connect anymore to my home assistant


I have a simple Docker setup on my server. I’ve set it up with Google home and it worked quite some time. But yesterday it stopped working.

I’ve restarted my installation but with no luck. Today I created a new project and set anything up like explained in the docs: Google Assistant - Home Assistant (

But it still does not work with the new project. The new project shows up, its redirecting me to the Login page, but then the Google home app says it cant connect to “[test] home assistant v3” (my Project name)

Im running my server through Cloudflare DNS and SSL is enabled (HTTPS)

How can I check whats wrong and then fix it?

On reddit Ive read something about providing a logo, title, privacy policy etc. but that did not fix the problem sadly.

Im able to reach https:///api/google_assistant and it gives me 405 method not allowed. Thats expected as I know (might be wrong?)

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I have the same issue, I also see the following in my logs, I’ve had this working for literal years at this point and now it just stopped. Wonder if google updated something or if it is the way HASS is now doing api calls to gooogle?

2024-10-03 18:14:16.826 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.google_cloud.tts] Error from calling list_voices: 403 Cloud Text-to-Speech API has not been used in project before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry. [links {
description: “Google developers console API activation”
url: “
domain: “
metadata {
key: “service”
value: “
metadata {
key: “consumer”
value: “projects/”

That would be a bummer if we now have to enable text to speech (it seems pricey). Also the banner that says they’ll migrating mid october seems suspicious. It might have to do something with that? Hope so atleast

A professional would be needed to know whats going on because I dont have a clue

yea google tts is 2.9k a year.

Check this, solved it for me after redoing my whooooole HA setup, cloudflare, ye everything. Hope you dont do the same mistake XD

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Thanks! I never enabled bot fight myself, but it fixed it :slight_smile: