I’m also experiencing this issue with 2024.11.1 but it is mainly affecting the Android companion app. Via the web UI, the cameras generally work, but they will not work at all in the Android app - they just immediately show the rate limit error.
I would do but don’t know where.
I also have a Nest learning thermostat and just found this gives the same error too when I tried to change its mode. So whatever the bug is it’s affecting all Nest devices. Actually, thinking about it, is the issue occurring for people with and without thermostats?!
And just came across this: Nest Cameras/Doorbell showing too many API calls since latest HA update · Issue #130061 · home-assistant/core · GitHub!
Yes, I have a Nest learning thermostat too and it’s also being impacted
I don’t have a Nest thermostat but I’m affected by the issue. I have 7 Nest devices and they’re all cameras (2 indoor, 4 battery outdoor, and a wireless doorbell). Thanks for the link to the Github issue. Can see they’re onto it
Failed to start WebRTC stream: Nest API error: Too Many Requests response from API (429): RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED (429): Rate limited for the ExecuteDeviceCommand API for the user.
Same here… is there a solution, maybe in de google developer mode…?
Nest App is having issues - can only assume it’s related.
Same, Nest thermostats are showing old or incorrect temp data etc.
I got excited too thinking the latest HA update solved it, but yes it is intermittent here as well. Sometimes it works, but most of the time I see the 429 error. Also can’t figure out if the rate limit resets at midnight as I see this at 1am or 1pm. No pattern.
There was a recent WebRTC update that I was hopeful would resolve, but nada. I’m fully updated across my HA and integrations. No joy. This applies across all devices and definitely something recent as this was rock solid for very long time. …provide additional context for anything that may be working on a fix.
Same problem here …
Looks like 11.2 might have fixed it, so far so good!
Same for me.
The problem arose for me with the migration from Nest app to Google Home
Same issue here. I had to reload the integration like mentioned above and it seems to be working again (for now, at least )
Is it still an issue for you? I try to reconfigure and get messages from google that it’s not available… (after entering the projectid etc and then confirm via google-login)
Could someone please post their config of when it was working, for someone struggling with the various methods of getting a webrtc cam to work (nest cam indoor wired the white one)
Would be greatly appreciated
Me too. Some one can help?
mine WAS working before the issues, but when it did not work I found something about calls-limit… in panic I tried to fix it and then to reconfigure and then nothing worked any more.
so the question is “just delete” and configure as new or to wait if there’s still any issue
Issue still going on. It really feels like Google has put some limitations on how many snapshots we can get per second/min/hour from the API. I don’t feel like this one will be resolved.
The beta has had some refactoring of the Nest code. That might help.