Google Nest Hub as Dashboard with DashCast add-on

Just want to share another version of automation using custom component pyscript (GitHub - custom-components/pyscript: Pyscript adds rich Python scripting to HASS). I personally think this is way better than YAML, especially when you have multiple Nest Hubs to cast. To use the following script, you just need to update the first two global variables.

# The part after 'media_player.'
_NEST_HUBS = ['nest_hub_living_room', 'nest_hub_study']

def nest_hub_trigger_factory(nest_hub):
    entity_id = f'media_player.{nest_hub}'
    avail_state = f'pyscript.{nest_hub}_availability'

    state.persist(avail_state, default_value='1')

    @state_trigger(f'{entity_id} == "off"', state_check_now=True)
    def recast_nest_hub():
        if state.get(avail_state) == '0':
  '{entity_id} was unavailable. Wait for 20 secs')
            state.set(avail_state, '1')
            task.sleep(20)'Recast {entity_id}')
        media_player.volume_set(entity_id=entity_id, volume_level=0)
                           url=_DASHBOARD_URL, force=True)

    @state_trigger(f'{entity_id} == "unavailable"', state_check_now=True)
    def nest_hub_is_unavailable():'{entity_id} is unavailable')
        state.set(avail_state, '0')

    return recast_nest_hub, nest_hub_is_unavailable

_triggers = [nest_hub_trigger_factory(nh) for nh in _NEST_HUBS]


Thanks for the pyscript. I tried and the script works smoothly,
but still dashcast would activate for the untargeted device.
I have 1 nest hub, 2 Chromecast for Google TV and 2 nest mini (which is stereo paired)
So the nest hub that I want to cast the dashboard is only one.

I have found that if I make a group in google home app and include the stereo paired nest mini
in any group, it would activate dashcast on the nest mini and the prompt sound comes out.
If I don’t, only nest hub would activate dashcast.
Chromecast for Google TV will be affected as well if included in the group where nest hub is also in the group.
So getting rid of groups totally, now it all work as expected.
@chiahsing , could you please try to make a group and include 2 of your nest hubs in there?
If you dashcast to one nest hub, my issue is that it would also activate dashcast on the other nest hub.

You may find that it is weird, but that is what I am experiencing, and again casting directly with catt command, no issues at all.

I don’t really trust the grouping in Google Home. It has other issues. But in your case, I think you can also try using catt. It doesn’t really matter how you cast the dashboard. It’s just easier if DashCast integration works for you.

Yes, maybe in my environment, casting with catt is proven to work already so it might be the best way.
Anyway, I thank you for giving us a head up to this integration.

Update: The weird problems are gone now I believe because of the recent updates of pychromecast. Dashcast integration is working perfectly.

Does anyone get the mini-graph-card wokring with DashCast?

If you are using https, the problem is in workbox/chrome. (Sensor Card doesn't show in Google Nest Hub · Issue #14465 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub).

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Any tip to get the dashboard fit the screen ?

Thanks, the script is working great. I have one issue, though: I am using the Nest Hub also as a controller for my Nest Doorbell. If someone rings the doorbell, the image appears briefly and is then immediately replaced by the HA dashboard. Would it be possible to amend the script to either give priority to the Nest Doorbell or, if that is too complicated, just add a certain delay (e.g. 1 minute) before the HA dashboard is recast?

There’s an AppName attribute in the media_player entity. Maybe you can try that.

1 minute delay is certainly very easy to add. Just add task.sleep(60) before dash_cast.load_url().

Thanks a lot! I went with your suggestion but the doorbell video feed is apparently not treated as an app. The attribute keeps showing the most recent app while the feed is on. So I went with the delay, and also commented out the media_player.volume_set to 0 so I can hear the doorbell chime.

Everytime I go to cast, it keeps casting the login screen for HA

You need to configure trusted network because you won’t have the keyboard to type the username and password. And once it is confitured, you tick the “Keep me logged in” box and press the hidden trusted network function under the usernamd and password fields. The option is somtimes hidden due to some CSS issue, but you can still click on it.

I did

    - type: homeassistant
    - type: trusted_networks
        -  # my Google Nest Hub IP
      trusted_users: longuseridnumber

also tried

trusted_users: <longuseridnumber>

but that caused my HA to restart into safe mode

try this , create a user for your nest hub and paste its id.

    - type: homeassistant
    - type: trusted_networks
      trusted_users: # Google Nest Hub user id.

value_template needs to be wrapped in double quotes to avoid the Message malformed: extra keys not allowed @ data['sequence'][0]['sequence'] error. This thread is full of mistakes :frowning:

This is the script that I have been using w/o the need for an add-on:

alias: Cast Tablet View to Nest Hub
  - service: cast.show_lovelace_view
      entity_id: media_player.nesthub
      dashboard_path: lovelace
      view_path: tablet
mode: single
icon: mdi:monitor-dashboard

Thanks for the feedback! I fixed it in the post.

Viepath: tablet

Is that the name of a dashboard of yours that I need to change to something of my own?

thanks @chiahsing , just found this discussion. I am interested in setting this up for my home. Just wondering whether this only works with 2nd gen of Google Nest Hub ?


change to something of my own