Govee Appliances (Heaters, Fans, Purifiers)

I know my humidifiers make use of the humidifier card. As does my dehumidifier.

There’s some buttons, switches, and selectors that also come with it for changing things like mode, the lights, etc.

Almost certainly the same can be done for heaters and the climate control.

There are some things with MQTT that are a bit buggy but it’s more because govee2mqtt is trying to be stateless and just pass the information back and forth without processing it and the API leaves information out.

Like the API doesn’t tell you the current setting for humidity target. So each reboot of govee2mqtt resets it to minimum

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If only Govee2MQTT worked well with Air Purifiers. I cannot get a status on the H7122 or H7101, I can issue commands but statuses are stuck to unknown. The Homekit integration provides statuses perfectly, but unfortunately does not have fan entities that are seen in HA.

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I have the H7122 and it’s displaying everything properly on my end. The only thing that isn’t working is the filter life. Because govee doesn’t send that number. They just send a blank response.

I think I’m going to try to template a fan entity for the govee fans and purifiers that will hopefully lead to a better Homekit experience. Just a matter of finding the time to work on it.

I’ll share my code if/when I figure it out.


Not the case for me, unfortunately. Mode status reverts to Auto, so I’m unable to use accurate states to trigger automations.I build out fairly interact automations and need to account for a variety of scenarios.

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Govee2MQTT also doesn’t seem to like my air humidifier. I don’t get statuses of it either. No idea why, except it doesn’t seem to have lan control.

Has anyone cracked the code on the smart plugs? I have two of the double plugs as well as one of the outdoor - which has three separate outlets.

The govee2mqtt integration just provides a master on/off switch for each device. It does not provide a separate entity for each outlet. Obviously these devices are appealing specifically because you can control the outlets independently so this won’t work!

So just wondering if it is possible to build something using REST stuff (which I know nothing about!) that would give separate control of each outlet.

Put in a support ticket for it. Each device type needs to be coded for, the dev isn’t going to have every single Device type so we have to provide whatever info we can

Yeah I’ve worked with the developer to iron out issues with other stuff and I actually do have an open ticket for the double plugs.

But in the meantime I was looking at the addon docs for something else and I came across a pretty good holdover solution for the plugs I was talking about.

Turns out any Tap-to-Run automations you create in the govee app are exposed HA through the addon.

So I made separate automations to turn on and off each plug separately and then in HA I can link them to input booleans for each outlet.

Not exactly perfect but a totally fine work around :+1:

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Update on this. It seems to see it when first set up then looses the humidifier. Unsure as to what is causing this. This is the issue on github that I have submitted.

Edit: Added the github issue link

I do all my automations in node-red, so I’m coming at this a little different.
I have my api calls in rest_cmd, which I can then call from a service, I use node red to put a virtual switch in HA that when i toggle, fires off the on or off service to my devices…
where I’m getting stuck is with rest calls to get the status
If i go to and walk that path, it returns the value I want
i’m getting this error

homeassistant.exceptions.InvalidStateError: Invalid state with length 402. State max length is 255 characters.

i know the headers and payload are all correct, if i use them in api tester, I get valid api data returned…
any ideas?

- authentication: basic
  scan_interval: 60
  payload: '{"requestId": "uuid","payload": {"sku": "H7172","device": "mac address redacted"}}'
  method: POST
  verify_ssl: false
    Govee-API-Key: api key redacted
    Content-Type: application/json       
    - name: "device status"
      json_attributes_path: "$.payload.capabilities[1].state"
        - "value"

I finally got it to work… PITA

    - name: "device online"
      value_template:  '{{ value_json.payload.capabilities[0].state.value }}'
    - name: "device2 online"
      value_template:  '{{ value_json.payload.capabilities[1].state.value }}'

if i specified as above with the value as the attribute i was looking for it gave me a 255 limit. if did’n’t it gave me the value i wanted… :person_shrugging:

So I believe I have it fixed.
MQTT’s auto start on boot didn’t seem to be sticking but now seems to be fixed and the humidifier reports data now.

For whomever it helps, I have Govee Smart Space Heater Pro (H7133) working like a champ through the MQTT integration.
I’ve set it up as a full blooded climate entity and am not using any of the auto created entities as they were (a) too disconnected and (b) too buggy.

Here it is, sitting in a mini-climate card. Configuration.yaml below.
The code can probably be optimized, but it works well.


- climate:
      name: Porch SpaceHeater
        - "off"
        - "heat"
        - "auto"
        - "fan_only"

        - "high"
        - "medium"
        - "low"
        - "auto"

      optimistic: true

      json_attributes_topic: "gv2mqtt/sensor/sensor-DB2A6074F445163C-gv2mqtt-status/attributes"
      json_attributes_template: |-
        {% set mqttValue = value_json.platform_state.capabilities[3].state.value %}
        {% set scene = value_json.platform_state.capabilities[6].state.value %}
        {% set scenes = value_json.platform_metadata.capabilities[5].parameters.options | list %}
        {% set selected_scene = ((scenes | selectattr("value", '==', scene) | list  or [{"value":scene, "name":"none"}]) | first).name  %}

        {% if mqttValue == 0 %}
        {{ {"nightlight": "off", "nightlight_scene": scene, "nightlight_scenes": scenes, "selected_scene": selected_scene } | tojson }}
        {% else %}
        {{ {"nightlight": "on", "nightlight_scene": scene, "nightlight_scenes": scenes, "selected_scene": selected_scene } | tojson }}
        {% endif %}

      current_temperature_topic: "gv2mqtt/sensor/sensor-DB2A6074F445163C-gv2mqtt-status/attributes"
      current_temperature_template: "{{ value_json.platform_state.capabilities[8].state.value }}"

      temperature_state_topic: "gv2mqtt/sensor/sensor-DB2A6074F445163C-gv2mqtt-status/attributes"
      temperature_state_template: "{{ value_json.platform_state.capabilities[7].state.value.targetTemperature }}"

      swing_mode_state_topic: "gv2mqtt/sensor/sensor-DB2A6074F445163C-gv2mqtt-status/attributes"
      swing_mode_state_template: |-
        {% set mqttValue = value_json.platform_state.capabilities[2].state.value %}
        {% if mqttValue == 0 %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}

      # get hvac mode from workmode --- but we need hvac mode = "off" from powerState
      mode_state_topic: "gv2mqtt/sensor/sensor-DB2A6074F445163C-gv2mqtt-status/attributes"
      mode_state_template: |-
        {% set mqttValue = value_json.platform_state.capabilities[9].state.value %}
        {% set mqttOffValue = value_json.platform_state.capabilities[1].state.value %}
        {% if mqttOffValue == 0 %}
        {% elif mqttValue.workMode == 1 %}
        {% elif mqttValue.workMode == 3 %}
        {% elif mqttValue.workMode == 9 %}
        {% endif %}

      fan_mode_state_topic: "gv2mqtt/sensor/sensor-DB2A6074F445163C-gv2mqtt-status/attributes"
      fan_mode_state_template: |-
        {% set mqttValue = value_json.platform_state.capabilities[9].state.value %}
        {% if mqttValue.modeValue == 1 %}
        {% elif mqttValue.modeValue == 2 %}
        {% elif mqttValue.modeValue == 3 %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}

      power_command_topic: "gv2mqtt/switch/DB2A6074F445163C/command/powerSwitch"
      temperature_command_topic: "gv2mqtt/DB2A6074F445163C/set-temperature/targettemperature/°F"

      # mode_command_topic: "gv2mqtt/DB2A6074F445163C/set-work-mode"
      mode_command_topic: "gv2mqtt/DB2A6074F445163C/set-hvac-mode"
      mode_command_template: |-
        {% if value == "auto" %}
        {% elif value == "heat" %}
        {% elif value == "fan_only" %}
        {% elif value == "off" %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}

      fan_mode_command_topic: "gv2mqtt/number/DB2A6074F445163C/command/gearMode/1"
      fan_mode_command_template: |-
        {% if value == "high" %}
        {% elif value == "medium" %}
        {% elif value == "low" %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}

      swing_mode_command_topic: "gv2mqtt/switch/DB2A6074F445163C/command/airDeflectorToggle"
      swing_mode_command_template: |-
        {% if value == "on" %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}

The MQTT implementation has a few challenges that I could only solve by creating some small automations. (i.e. Off is not an HVAC mode, so I publish to a intermediate MQTT topic, and the automation kicks in, parses intent and publishes to the real topic).

Can you pass it to me privately?

Any chance to also share the automations ?
So we have a full set ?

can you elaborate on this please, I am in the same boat, and can’t figure out how to control my govee dual outlets.

When I go to the MQTT integration and choose the “govee 2 MQTT” device, all tap to run automations list there with buttons to activate:

So from there I built…I think toggles/input booleans and then I made automations where flipping the toggle on/off presses the appropriate button to activate the corresponding tap to run scene.

At least I think that’s what I did. I overhauled a bunch of stuff since then in my ha instance and my brain is mush.

And if you just created the tap to run automations in the govee app, you will probably need to restart the addon to get them to show.

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I have brought back the new GoveeLife integration from @mk-maddin located here. Having a native HA integration will work a whole lot better than using a bridge or MQTT.
So far I have ironed out some switch issues, added support for Govee Fans and Govee Air Purifiers.
I would love to add more, but that’s all I’ve got at home.


Interesting. Do you have humidifier support?