Govee integration

They just added 13 more devices (40 total now) to their local api, still no smart plugs, bulbs, dreamviews, etc. But this is a great step forward and an indication that they are serious about it. Hopefully they keep the momentum going…

At least one of my smart strips is now supported. Are there plans to add support for this local api to this integration or will it require a separate one?


Wow, they are really working on this and adding more and more devices, great work Govee

what lightstrips are supported for the local API? Is there anyway to use the local API with Homeassistant yet or we need to wait for an integration (this or other) to support it?

How do you know what devices are supported?
Do you have a url to the compatibility list?

Hi! Is someone familiar with this model? ‎H615B3A1DE. Should I assume is H6159?

I’m currently looking to buy a led strip but only if I can integrate it with HA. This model is sold in Germany (Link)

I got the 5m version H615A and it works with the HA integration through hacs, so it’s safe to assume the H615B will work since the only difference is the length. Btw I’ve got mine in Germany as well.

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Am I doing something wrong? I installed the the integration but I can not see the entity “govee led lights” only the new Govee Bluetooth

So, random question… I just got some Hexa lights - is it worth waiting for a new local integration or will this eventually be updated to use local?

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Why would you wait for local? If you are not worried with using cloud to access your lights, go ahead and install the current one, right?

Lol, not sure really
I’ve installed the cloud one but it seems really slow to respond (and sometimes doesn’t)
I’ve only got the one device so don’t think it’s the polling rate which I just left as the default 10
Also is there any way to change scene with it?

Will we be able to control light strip segments, trigger pre-defined color segments, or scenes, any time soon?

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Yeh the cloud I find v unreliable too . Was hoping some magician will add local control to the integration.

It is working most of the times for me, not fully reliable either

I am seriously considering giving it a try to create an integration for the local api which is super basic at the moment (the api, not creating the integration). Not only I am having too much trouble with the cloud api, it would be a great way to learn more about developing for HomeAssistant.

But, I have very limited time and it would be a separate integration just for local communication. If anyone has plans or already started working on adding it to this integration or creating a new one then I would prefer not spending time on it. Also not sure if people would be bothered by having to use a separate integrarion and having duplicate devices for cloud vs local, although I don’t thing that would be a huge issue as the new BLE one is also a separate one… What do you guys think?


You know, local api is currently supported for handful of products and it needs to be enabled explicitly by user on govee app.

Having said that, why don’t you work with existing cloud based integration owner? You can first check if local api is available and try to communicate over there and if it is missing, fallback to cloud api.

Ok, I spend 4 nights after work on this and I now have a fully functional python library to control any supported device using the local api.

This is my first time coding in Python so I spend a lot of that time wrapping my head around the syntax, how to use asyncio for asynchronous programming, using UDP transports, etc. and I have to say it works amazingly well!. I didn’t start from scratch though, I kinda cheated and used the LIFX code as a base although the LIFX lan api is a lot more complex and powerful with binary messages, callbacks and asknowledgements messages, etc. but I learnt a lot from it. The Govee local api is honestly quite basic, I hope they continue to improve it and add devices.

What’s next? I want to clean the code a bit and publish it in GitHub, I’ll then go ahead and start working on a HomeAssistant integration for Govee devices with local api support using this library. I think this is necessary as a lot of people really hate integrations that depend on cloud (me included) as they are always quite unreliable, so this way the integration can be marked “Local Polling” only.

That said, @LaggAt and anyone else will be free to use my library in this integration if they want to add local api support. I imagine as I used the LIFX Python library as base which is what the LIFX official integration uses, it should be trivial to use my library on a new or existing integration…


Does the local API support setting the scene or at least the mode on the camera lightstrips?

No, it currently only supports getting the status, turning On/Off, changing brightness (1-100) and changing color (R,G,B 0-255 each or Temperature in Kelvin 0-9000)

I would sugest reaching out to their support requesting it…

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This is awesome! I can’t wait to try it out. Thanks for putting in the time & effort to create the API integration!