Govee integration

My plan is to keep the nice hardware package of the Govee lights and swap the controller.
I’m sitting on the cable I ordered I need to just splice one and connect it to a D1 and see if I can figure it out.

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I’ve recently done both … I created 4X WLED setups for under cabinet lighting using Mini D1’s, and I modded 2 Govee strips with these:

The Zigbee controllers are perfect except they have male ends, and the Govee strips are also male, you just need a 4 pin coupler, or need to cut and solder.

My recently completed WLED setup:

IMHO, if you have non-addressable Govee strips, it’s probably easier to go the Zigbee route, since you need seperate outputs for R, G, B and Power. Addressable strips are easier because it’s just a single data line + power.


i’ve only got the indiv addr string lights.
Maybe I’ll bust out the cable this weekend.
I really need a solid pin crimper.

I added my dreamview p1 (h6054) it identifies color lights and on off. No scene control.

I have seen issues with the WiFi cause this condition.
Try unplugging and replugging the device.

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Thank you so much. Cant believe I didnt figure to try this on my own. Worked like a charm!

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Can anyone help me figure out why my rate limit reset are these crazy negative values?


is it possible to activate movie mode on Dreamview T1 from HA? I can just switch on or off…

I know I’m just barely learning all this and everyone here seems to be a rather advanced user. But I noted that it doesn’t look like the H5083 smart plug are supported. I’m not sure I’m understanding the limitation. I think these are wifi devices that are at first set up with bluetooth. Is it because this doesn’t yet support bluetooth device? Just trying to figure out how to get these in HA.

Hey everyone,

I currently have the the Govee H6117 LED light stripes and they don’t seem to be connecting with Home Assistant. I’ve enabled HACs and tried downloading the Govee integration package. The LED strip is added to Home Assistant, but is unresponsive. The LED strip itself is not connected to WiFi but is connected to the Govee app, and I can control it on the Govee app. But my Home Assistant says it’s unresponsive. Does anyone know a fix?

I am having a problem where it said I reached my daily limit? Which is 10,000! How could I have reached that limit, is there something I could have done that caused this?

I’ve switched to running homebridge and installing the govee plugin. Configure it, all supported Govee devices will be discovered. You can enable LAN API for supported devices.

Once all your devices are working on the accessories page, configure the Homekit Controller Integration. It will most likely discover homebridge automatically. Once that is done all your Govee devices will appear as entities and you can access them in homeassistant as you normally would. This has been a lot more reliable plus the added benefit of LAN support for a number of devices.

The one minor limitation is you cannot change the modes or set scenes, but you can’t do that with this integration either.

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go homebridge :confetti_ball:

I’ve also started using homebridge + Homekit Controller. Wish I didn’t have to though!

Is through Amazon and the native govee app the only way to control scenes?

I’m having to toggle switches to amazon to run routines to make the scene API calls. I don’t see anything more efficient than that available to control scenes.

I haven’t found anyway to do it through HA yet. How are you using Amazon to do that? Any docs for it?

Create a toggle helper in HA to serve as your routine trigger to Amazon:

Send the toggle to Amazon:

Create routine in Amazon to define the scenes or music options:

Here’s all the options in Amazon:

Everything is there. I found a bug with 3 scenes and I reported it to Amazon and govee today. All the others work. It fires every time, I just wish I didn’t have to slingshot it to Amazon.

I’m assuming Amazon is accessing the new API given the new govee/Amazon rebranding.

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Thanks a lot for the info @Sergeantpup , you inspired me to do the same thing but for Google which I didn’t know was possible til looking into it following your reply! For any google home/android users who want to automate Govee scenes/modes below is what I did.

  1. In the Govee app create “snapshots” for all desired scenes/modes you want to leverage in your automations. Snapshots are a fairly new addition to the app AFAIK, select the floating green camera button to create a snapshot. Test activation via google assistant “hey google, set [light name] to [snapshot name]”. Some names may be reserved by google which could affect the phrase to activate the scene/mode, for example I named one snapshot “video” for video/camera mode but it wouldn’t work until I renamed to “camera”. All other scenes I just named as the same as the scene itself.

  2. Setup the Google Assistant integration
    Google Assistant - Home Assistant

This requires your HA instance to be exposed publicly so google can reach it. I already have a dynamic DNS enabled private domain and automated letsencrypt cert so it was little effort for me. Apparently there is an older integration for google assistant called “google assistant relay” which is not maintained but folks are still using it to control google assistant. I didn’t attempt it but if you did and got it working you could just issue the commands directly to google assistant instead of going through everything below.

  1. Create input_boolean (toggle) helpers, each one will represent a button to activate your Govee snapshots. You can configure google assistant to automatically expose certain types of entities to google, or manually specify the list of entities. I only wanted my helpers exposed as mostly everything else was already configured in google home so I disabled expose_by_default and provided the entities I wanted available in google home.
  project_id: home-assistant-123456
  service_account: !include home-assistant-google-service-account.json
  report_state: true
  expose_by_default: false
    - switch
      name: "Govee Video Mode"
      name: "Govee Meteor Scene"

Resync your HA entities to Google Home by triggering the sync button entity that gets created in HA after configuring the integration. The entities should appear in the google home app, make sure to assign them to your “home”

  1. Create a household routine in the google home app, one for each entity. For the starter (trigger) select your helper device with trigger on state change to on. Set an action “Try adding your own / custom action” and then type out the phrase to google that will trigger the Govee scene/mode as per your snapshot you created. (e.g. “set the [lightstrip name] to [snapshot name]”).

Since the google assistant doesn’t really support buttons for a routine trigger (stateless) we have to use switches via the input_boolean toggle. You will most likely want to reset the state of the helpers to off automatically so that it can be triggered again at some point, you can create an automation in HA to do that so you don’t need to reset the state across all the automations you use the helper on to trigger Govee scenes.

alias: Reset Google Home Helpers
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - input_boolean.light_strip_video_mode
      - input_boolean.light_strip_scene_meteor
    from: "off"
    to: "on"
condition: []
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 1
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: input_boolean.turn_off
    data: {}
      - input_boolean.light_strip_video_mode
      - input_boolean.light_strip_scene_meteor
mode: single

Obviously a more native HA integration would be preferable and I’ll switch to that if/when it comes but this works just fine for now. There is a short 2-5 second delay between triggering the helper and the scene becoming active.


“Cannot connect. Is the API-Key correct and the internet connection working?”

Sick and tired of this crap. I’m ripping the controllers off the strips and replacing it with tasmota flashed controllers. Govee is a tumor in IoT environment.


This question might have been asked multiple times, but I was not able to find even a guestimated answer.
I’m in a very limited network traffic environment and am interested in how much usage I could expect monthly. My setup includes LG C1 TV and Govee Dreamview T1 TV backlight. I would like to make a simple automation of turning Govee lights on/off with the TV, for which I have successfully created scripts.
When I originally set this up, network traffic usage seemed to spike over first couple of days. Because I could not allow myself to continue experimenting within my network plan, I’ve turned it off.
Does anybody have any idea of how much traffic is used by such integration over a period of month (with pooling setting up to 15 sec - 4 calls a minute)?