Updated the guide on how to support Govee heaters. Now supports state from API GitHub - wiltodelta/homeassistant-govee-smart-heater-h7131: Govee Smart Heater H7131 Integration for Home Assistant
@LaggAt Since last update of HA many users encountered issues with homekit. A recommendation by users was to deactivate Govee integration. That worked for me. Are you aware of it? HomeKit Bridge stopped working when Govee entities are included · Issue #135358 · home-assistant/core · GitHub
I keep receiving errors when I try to use the Govee integration, my lights connect just fine and then I try to control them from the dashboard and it works for the first few times and then it stops working and I get a whole bunch of errors about rate limit exceeded. Any help would be great.
You’re being rate limited. Meaning your auth key is hitting the govee API too many times per minute.
Do you have a lot of devices? Or several govee integrations setup?
Just happened to me too,
Could not connect to Govee API: API: API-Error 429: {“message”:“rate limited! the limit is 10000 requests every 24 hours. X-RateLimit-Reset in Http Response Header shows the reset time.”}
No integrations.
3 listed* devices
H6078 lamp, H605C tv backlight, and H6045 RGBIC Smart Backlight.
It happened after:
adding H6054 RGBIC Smart Backlight (Bluetooth only)
adding H6045 backlight light strip
adding H5151 WiFi Refrigerator Thermometer gateway
adding H5108 WiFi Refrigerator Thermometer
changing my H6078 lamp to be a distributed gateway
Seems like the integration needs to try and send less requests. It resets every 24 hours apparently.
Need to open an issue.