I did that, didn’t seem to work either. I’ll give it another try tomorrow when I’m fresh.
Works fine here on 6 different devices
Same here on two.
I had authorisation issue while setting up one.
As suggested previously I’m pretty sure it was due to spaces being added on copy/paste.
This is my HTTP Header info (i’ve revoked the token already). I put a return in, there’s no extra space that I can see being added in, I created/copied the token on the phone. Only thing I didn’t do was remove the password portion in my configuration.yaml and reboot HASS (but I’d tried that yesterday and it didn’t seem to work either)
all of mine have a space. after I hit enter at the end of the first row, it dropped down and left me a blank space. Not sure if yours isnt because of a smaller dpi or what.
Yeah I saw that suggestion elsewhere, put an extra return in between the already there header and the Authorization header. Still no luck, but that might because of the API password bit. At work atm, but will retry with the space this evening.
As long as you delete the api_password from the URL, it should work. You do NOT need to delete it from your configuration.yaml
Well then I have no clue why it’s not working.
Only other thing I can think of is maybe I need to tweak something with my NGINX reverse proxy?
are you seeing anything in the HA log ?
Other than there being an invalid attempt to access no.
no banned_ip file (or similar) in your /config directory ?
There is a banned_ip but i’ve cleared it out whenever I reach the ban limit.
some one on discord had success after uninstall and reinstall of the app… ymmv.
Got it working. No clue what I changed other than clearing cache/data/uninstalling for the umteenth time.