Just because it’s being phased out doesn’t mean it doesn’t work right now…and Discovery would still be needed.
Discovery is true. In the log file it says:
component.gpslogger.config.abort.not_internet_accessible’: ‘Your Home Assistant instance needs to be accessible from the internet to receive messages from GPSLogger.’, ‘component.gpslogger.config.abort.one_instance_allowed’: ‘Only a single instance is necessary.’, ‘component.gpslogger.config.create_entry.default’: ‘To send events to Home Assistant, you will need to setup the webhook feature in GPSLogger.\n\nFill in the following info:\n\n- URL: {webhook_url}
\n- Method: POST\n\nSee the documentation for further details.’, ‘component.gpslogger.config.step.user.description’: ‘Are you sure you want to set up the GPSLogger Webhook?’, ‘component.gpslogger.config.step.user.title’: ‘Set up the GPSLogger Webhook’, ‘component.gpslogger.config.title’: ‘GPSLogger Webhook’,
I deleted the integration, I uninstalled GPS logger, I then reintegrated GPS logger, copied the info from it and pasted it into the GPS Logger app. following the directions from https://www.home-assistant.io/components/gpslogger/
Got same error message. I can from GPSLogger validate the ssl certificate.
Are you using your public URL?
Do you have your base_url in your http config?
From Configuration.yaml
base_url: https://xxxxxx.duckdns.org:8123
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
When I integrated gps logger, this is the URL it used. I tried it and it kept failing (404 ERROR). I then switched to the static IP address saved on duckdns this gives no errors but it still fails in HA
Not sure why the duckdns address gives a 404 error as I use this all the time to log in when I am away from home.
You should hide your real URL.
Are you testing from INSIDE your network or externally? Does your router support using the DuckDNS name internally?
I am testing inside (from same internal) Network. I don’t understand the second part of your question.
It’s pretty simple actually.
If you browse to your DuckDNS URL from inside your network, on a computer, does it work?
Have you tried testing GPS Logger while on mobile data NOT on your internal network?
Yes, and Yes.
I have tried removing and reinstalling and I am still left with 404 error, url not found. Yes I can log in to the Https:\xxxxxx.duckdns.org:8123 from both my home network and away from my home network. Still get error message in log saying “‘To send events to Home Assistant, you will need to setup the webhook feature in GPSLogger.\n\nFill in the following info:\n\n- URL: {webhook_url}
\n- Method: POST\n\nSee the documentation for further details.’, ‘component.gpslogger.config.step.user.description’: ‘Are you sure you want to set up the GPSLogger Webhook?’, ‘component.gpslogger.config.step.user.title’: ‘Set up the GPSLogger Webhook’, ‘component.gpslogger.config.title’: ‘GPSLogger Webhook’, ‘component.logi_circle.config.abort.already_setup’:”
Any ideas?
If I change the url in gpslogger I to http from https, I do not get 404 error in gpslogger, but no change in HA.
Does anyone have any other ideas on what to try?
After the .98 update, gpslogger is working for me. I made no changes.