Hi, I’m a little bit new here. I want to graph a comparisson betwen today and yesterday energy consumption. I am using the mini graph card from HACS to graph the last 48 hours so I know that the data is there. I would like to make an input or a template that can give me the value 24 hours ago. so that way I can graph that input and the actual value from the sensor.
I’ve never tried this, so I can’t be certain it would work. You may be able to set up the history_stats sensor using a short sample time beginning at the same time the previous day. I currently use history_stats to give me a running 5 day temperature average.
Resurrecting a very old post here but this looks like just what I need. Would you please be able to share the config for how you created the graph and history_sensor(s) @eggman ?
history_graph seems to require a state, but I’m not sure what to provide it with here for a sensor which returns a float.