Graphs after recent upgrade

I was aware the old history graphs id used were being deprecated, but took the plunge.
It looked like history cards were the replacement, but they’re showing no history data available? But I can see it logged in the DB

Also the feature of being able to click on the little icons along the top for each sensor, and see the associated graph has disappeared, which I always thought was quite a neat feature.

Is it config on my side I’m missing, or a way to get back the old functionality?




Thanks for the help

I do hope it is something that the fronend team will look at when they get a chance.

Is this something that is a known issue in v109?

I haven’t updated yet and probably won’t if the built-in history graph cards (or history graphs in pop-ups in general) no longer work.

0.107 removed The history graph integration. Discussion about a replacement here:

isn’t this what you are looking for?:

a few sensors:
Schermafbeelding 2020-05-06 om 10.42.24

click on the temp to see more-info:

click the name (in the grey header bar) to see the full graph: