GreenIQ Irrigation Controller

As mentionned above, for Gen3, it is located here:

For Gen2, you should normally not need it, but just in case, it is located in /home/pi/greeniq/hub_server/php/lite-login.php


Could someone help me step-by-step, please?
Form 1th april my GREENIQ gen2 doesn’t work !!
My GreenIQ app doesn’t login-in ?
I followed the instruction sent me by company but App menu was different infact the wrote to connect in off.line but i didn’t have this choice on menu.
So i try to connect directly at address \ but the web-menu allowed me only to configure wi-fi login.
After restar bot hub and app, i can log-in again…
please , some one could help me how can i re-use my Greeniq app?
thanks in advance…

There is already a step-by-step procedure above. I am sorry, yes, it is for people that are used to computer.

There is an other alternative (sorry, in french, but it can be easily translated) :
This is well explained (I just read it as I did not use this solution)
If you follow this path, I strongly suggest you buy a new SD card or you make a backup of the current one.

I hope it is enough, otherwise, I am not sure you will have volonteers for heldesk.


is you an IT expert? Could you help me please? (GREENiq gen2)

I follow your instruction as follow:

  • I bought a 32gB SD ( is it ok o is it too large?) and create a boot SD with GREENIQDOMOTICZ.iso software in
  • After that, the instruction ask me to connect to product’s IP ( greenIQ hub9 as followed instruction:
    …Afin de vous connecter au GreenIQ , il vous faut connaître l’adresse IP du produit (soit par le biais d’un logiciel installé sur votre PC, soit en vous connectant à l’interface de votre Box internet.)
    *Rentrez l’adresse suivante http://1 **92.168.1.x :8080 dans la barre d’adresse de votre navigateur en remplaçant http://192.168.1.x:8080 par l’adresse Ip de votre GreenIQ…

How can I do it?

I turn-on GREEnIQ with this new SDcard. Only green led (power) is lighted.

My home wi-fi network as this address 10.0.1xxx.

I searched in my network all perifericals address but I didn’t find GreenIQ address ?

The instruction wrote the I need to connect tohttp://192.168.1.x:8080 but my home network address is and how can I find GREENIQ address port so wich is x number?

Moreover I wrote this address http://10.0.0. 2 :8080 on my MACBOOK but internet page doesn’t exist.

How can I access to Interface Domoticz GreenIQ Web pages in order to configure ma GreenIQ hub?

Thanks a lot….

Yes, it is too large but not an issue at all.

At this step, you have to connect to GreenIQ by wire. Once configuration is performed, you can configure Wi-Fi (explained later in the procedure).
You should find the IP adress of you GreenIQ in your Internet box configuration page. If too difficult, an other alternative is to scan you local network, like explained here: Blog de Domótica doméstica con Z-Wave y otras tecnolologías DIY - the smarthome experience
(I do not speak Spanish but it is quite easy to understand:
Ahora sólo queda localizar la IP que le ha asignado nuestro router por DHCP al GreenIQ. Para ello lo podremos hacer mirando en el propio router o con una aplicación que nos escanee nuestra red como pueda ser Angry IP Scanner que podemos descargar en el siguiente enlace.

Ahora para controlar el software, sólo necesitaremos un navegador web accediendo a la IP asignada al GreenIQ por el puerto 8080. En nuestro caso

Dear forum,
I really hope that someone can help me with my issue - thanks in advance. I use the greeniq system. I want to setup a custom flow sensor (not the original one). Can someone tell me, if the input voltage is 5V tolerant? Or do I need a voltage divider. I am not sure if the standard GPIO Pins from the RPi are used.

I have this flow sensor:

Thank you so much, dmq


I’m or I wos :frowning: GreenIq happy user till they shoot down…
Unfortunetly i did not made last softwer update and it is not working at all

I’m not an expert in programing…
I have generation GreenIQ generation 2 with out an update
Whot is the best and the esiest way to make it work on greenIq softwer?
I took out 8gb sd card and can’t see ssh file on it and I’m Mac user…
Can you help me with support and some tutorial how to do it, ??

Do i need to put at first update version of soft and then modyfind it,
and if you have your back up version to sher?


I can send you my backup of my working sd card.
please provide login data for server where I can upload it.

That wood be super, can you send this thru on me @
Big thank Thank you


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