Group of Z-wave switches - long delays and weird behaviour

I have 4 Fibaro Wall Plugs with connected lights in my living-room, and I have them in a group in HA.

When I try to turn the whole group on or off through HA or with a wireless trigger, some of them have a 10-15 second delay before responding.

Here are my observations after some debugging:

  • 1 or 2 switches respond immediately
  • After ~10 second delay, the other light respond
  • After all switches have been turned on/off, HA displays 1 or 2 switches with the wrong state (state show on, when light is off)
  • All lights respond perfectly and instant when controlled 1 by 1

Does anyone have some pointers of what to do?

Here’s the OZW log from an attempt:
OZW_log.yaml (35.7 KB)

Any luck figuring this out?

Not really. I’ve just learned to live with it. I will try to fix it some time later tho and I will update any findings here.
Here is another thread that touches on some of my pain points: My first time Home Assistant and OpenZWave experiences.