Guide: Connecting Pi with Home Assistant OS to wifi (or other networking changes)

Thanks for this great guide!
After spending may hours without success This is the solution.
It also connects automatically after reboot.
Running on Pi 3 Model B, HA 0.107.7

Why would you not use wifi?

I have a situation where I need my setup near the mid area of my house and have no way to get a cable there. I am trying to get wifi working with supervisor and it is not working.

Wifi is setup and always connects to my network and is pingable. The issue I am having is that none of the docker containers start. Supervisor is running, but that is it.

Seems to be an issue where when it is just wifi, there is internal communication issues on the 172 IP.

I have search, but have not figured out how to fix the issue.

Because this is a server, just like my media server. I don’t have an issue with wifi or wifi sensors, lights, switches…but I want HA itself to have a nice stable connection.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I just installed HA (v 0.108.9) on a Pi 3 B+. I could not get my Mac to read my SD card to add the Wi-Fi network files. I tried a USB flash drive and also no luck. I already had installed SSH & Web Terminal, and was using Terminal on my Mac. I confirmed my Wi-Fi was visible, and typed:

nmcli device wifi connect “YOUR_SSID” password “YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD”

That ONE line did what 2 days couldn’t. I can move on now. Again, Many thanks!

Hi, I found this guide really neat and simple but I am running into some problems.

Error: Scanning not allowed while unavailable or activating.

So I tried:

nmcli dev show wlan0

and it outputs:
GENERAL.HWADDR: 1E:43:54:93:8B:16
GENERAL.STATE: 20 (unavailable)

I tried some of the fixes found online (like modifying dhcpd.conf) but nothing seemed to work.
Anyone has any idea of what should I try to activate Wi-Fi?

Thanks very much.

PS. I am running HassOS 3.13 / HA 0.108.9 on a Raspberry Pi 2

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Don’t forget to deactivate the protection mode on SSH add-on config, and you’ll no longer get this error.

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And if I can’t install ssh & web terminal from the add-in store ?
LAN-connecties is working fine

If you’re not seeing it, enable advanced mode in your user’s profile

I got it working, but now I can’t find devices anymore that are connected to the UTP cable (behind a second router as a hub).
And also the location of the weater plugin does not work anymore and neither the updater
Any Idea how to solve this ?
Kind regards

ever found a solution to use the channes above 10? :slight_smile:

ever found a solution to use the channes above 10? :slight_smile:

Doesn’t work. Keep getting error: connection activation failed: (7) Secrets were required, but not provided. I tried to edit the network config file but it reverted after reboot. Is there a manual way to add the config? I’m using HA OS. Channel fixed on 11. I confirmed password is correct.

I figured out the problem. nmcli doesn’t like special characters in the password. How do i get pass that?

I had the same with the SSID (FRITS!Box …) changed it to FRITZBox

Hello all,

totally beginner with i followed the tutorial here. However, as said by someone, settings are “lost” at reboot. but not totally lost. Wifi connection is set but if the RJ45 cable is not on it does not connect and its impossible to reach server with wifi ip adress (at least on my rpi 3B+)

why is it so difficult to have wifi connection out-of-the box ? i dont think its a docker problem. rpi ?

Why do you want to run the system that controls your home through a WiFi connection? From your post it seems that a wired connection is possible, so why use a less reliable, slower WiFi connection?

its wired bicause i’m doing some tests near the router.

A problem is not solved because you hide the problem …

And in it’s final location there will be no access to a wired connection? It’s just not a good idea to run it on WiFi.

A question is not answered because you ignore the question :wink:
Look, I just want to convince you to use a wired connection for the system that controls your home. And every other advanced user here will give you the same advice of not putting it on WiFi. Sensors, lights whatever can be WiFi all day long, but not the server controlling it all.

Have you tried with a connection profile as well, as stated in the docs here?

i’m trying qith the configs, but it does not solve the problem of the wifi parameter that seems to be lost a reboot with this tuto using nmcli.

i’m totally aware of the wifi connexion defects, you dont have to convince me but as said, its the entry data of the problem : i must be on wifi, so turning to wire is not a solution for the problem

Did you follow the steps in the docs I linked?
