HA file size not limiting

Hey I got my SD full which cause HA to stuck
i have in the configuration file the legacy settings for logs,

any idea what is the issue?

# Tracked history is kept for 10 days
      - sensor
      - switch

  purge_keep_days: 2
    homeassistant.components.modbus: debug
    pymodbus.client: debug  

Do you have any other Databases, Like the InFlux db, I am currently backing up 2.4gb Snapshots. My HA Log file is under control, I have to figure how to off load my Influx db to a NAS drive. So I don’t have to save it in a snapshot.

Oh, and you should switch to a USB SSD drive. You will be amazed with the boost in speed, well worth the Upgrade. And the SSD does not have to be large, I’m using an 80gb SSD.

don’t have any other database…
i am using odriod i guess i can connect SSD

but how do i maintain to database files to avoid over size?

would emcc be a good solution ?

Are you sure it is actually the database that is growing? Home Assistant is infamous for bloating the storage with logs that are NOT possible to control in a good way.

Maybe this one is of interest:

There are a lot of log files. Some of them grows towards infinity. Some people claim this is not a problem, and/or they are not growing since there is a cap. Others show how their logs grow above the cap.

i have reinstalled everything…

and size keeps growing

I have deleted the database files from the config folder they are no longer getting created …

yet the size is increased for the sd card…

any idea where i can find the files?

how to search for this data?
any solution to clean up using add on?