HA is only updated by pressing F5, not live

Hi, i have a problem with the refreshing data in HA. When I press buttons and states change it doesn’t refresh automatically but I have to press F5 in the browser. This did not happen to me before and I cannot find the solution to update it live. I have looked through the forum but I can’t find anything, is there any thread that talks about this or someone can tell me the solution. Thanks!

Try pressing Ctrl+F5.

I had the same issue some time ago.
For me it was some issues with customize.yaml, there was errors that caused the loading of the page to stop.
Look in the logs and see if there is any errors regarding customize.yaml

Frontend bug? States are not changing! - Configuration / Frontend - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)

It doesn’t work doing that either, it also happens on mobile.

PD: Finally, I have found a solution by reading the thread posted by hellis81. I have removed everything I had in customize.yaml and restarted HA and everything works fine now. I don´t understand exactly why it has been solved but I am glad. Thank you very much for your answers and help, greetings!

That was perhaps a bit drastic.
You could have looked at the entities one at the time to figure out what could have been the issue.

I only had one entity and I was not using it.