By that if you mean multiple definitions of “sensor” the answer is no…
but entries yes - this is how the sensor.yaml file looks:
- platform: command_line
command: echo "20"
unit_of_measurement: "°C"
scan_interval: 60
name: "Outside Temperature"
- platform: command_line
command: "curl -s http://x.x.x.x/api/xdevices.json?Get=XTHL | grep THL1-LUM | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d , -f 1 | tr -d [:space:]"
unit_of_measurement: "lux"
scan_interval: 60
name: "Outside Luminosity"
- platform: command_line
command: "curl -s http://x.x.x.x/api/xdevices.json?Get=XTHL | grep THL1-HUM | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d , -f 1 | tr -d [:space:]"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
scan_interval: 60
name: "Outside Humidity"
- platform: command_line
command: "curl -s http://x.x.x.x/api/xdevices.json?Get=XTHL | grep THL2-LUM | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d , -f 1 | tr -d [:space:]"
unit_of_measurement: "lux"
scan_interval: 60
name: "Kitchen Luminosity"
- platform: command_line
command: "curl -s http://x.x.x.x/api/xdevices.json?Get=XTHL | grep THL2-HUM | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d , -f 1 | tr -d [:space:]"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
scan_interval: 60
name: "Kitchen Humidity"
- platform: command_line
command: "curl -s http://x.x.x.x/api/xdevices.json?Get=XTHL | grep THL3-LUM | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d , -f 1 | tr -d [:space:]"
unit_of_measurement: "lux"
scan_interval: 60
name: "Living Room Luminosity"
- platform: command_line
command: "curl -s http://x.x.x.x/api/xdevices.json?Get=XTHL | grep THL3-HUM | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d , -f 1 | tr -d [:space:]"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
scan_interval: 60
name: "Living Room Humidity"
It’s a similar thing with the switches - switch.yaml looks like this:
platform: command_line
command_on: curl -s http://x.x.x.x/api/xdevices.json?SetR=12
command_off: curl -s http://x.x.x.x/api/xdevices.json?ClearR=12
command_state: "bash /config/shell/garden_wall_lights"
value_template: '{{ value == "1" }}'
command_on: curl -s http://x.x.x.x/api/xdevices.json?SetR=11
command_off: curl -s http://x.x.x.x/api/xdevices.json?ClearR=11
command_state: "curl -s http://x.x.x.x/api/xdevices.json?Get=R |grep R11 |cut -d : -f 2 | cut -b 2"
value_template: '{{ value == "1" }}'
command_on: curl -s http://x.x.x.x/api/xdevices.json?SetR=10
command_off: curl -s http://x.x.x.x/api/xdevices.json?ClearR=10
command_state: "curl -s http://x.x.x.x/api/xdevices.json?Get=R |grep R10 |cut -d : -f 2 | cut -b 2"
value_template: '{{ value == "1" }}'
This is just a small snippet as there are quite a few entries like these…
switch.yaml is 632 lines long!
sensor.yaml is 1842 lines long!