HA not using configuration.yaml?

Possibly these items will have been saved in the entity registry with the original name. Click on them in the interface, click the cog on the popup and change the name there.

This one.

Thanks. Interesting. Iā€™ll check it outā€¦

I didnā€™t know that was a thing.

Deleted your post with personal info ā€¦ good luck on issue

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Since when did the configurator come with HA?

And since when did the ā€œhassioā€ side menu item get added to the regular HA?

Iā€™d venture to say that the OP is using a Hassio install not a regular install.

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Not sure. A few versions back I guess.

No. Youā€™re using hassioā€¦

OK. Coolā€¦

Awesome, thanks.

I might be helpful to post exactly what changes were made and exactly where you made those changes.

And exactly what you expected to see change.