HA push notification: Send a local image?

It just opens up my HA instance but does NOT display the picture.
If I use external to view /local/1.jpg, I DO see the picture.

I am just using local as a test. I need to be able to view the image located in the /config directory though

Here ya go…

10-11 23:14:04.870 20164 20164 D MessagingService: Creating notification with following data: {sticky=false, tag=picture_test, color=blue, image=/config/custom_components/mail_and_packages/images/amazon/1.jpg, webhook_id=981d46d926e4a9e33795aaaaef55b8a5625a00cfb4465d9d4ae2670fdf43b2a3, message=Picture test, server_id=1}
10-11 23:14:04.877 20164 20164 D ServerConnectionInfo: localUrl is: false, usesInternalSsid is: false, usesWifi is: false
10-11 23:14:04.877 20164 20164 D ServerConnectionInfo: Using external URL
10-11 23:14:04.880 20164 20901 D ServerConnectionInfo: localUrl is: false, usesInternalSsid is: false, usesWifi is: false
10-11 23:14:04.880 20164 20901 D ServerConnectionInfo: Using external URL
10-11 23:14:05.033 20164 20901 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(115) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
10-11 23:14:05.723 20164 20901 D OpenGLRenderer: --- Failed to create image decoder with message 'unimplemented'
10-11 23:14:05.732 20164 20164 D MessagingService: Show notification with tag "picture_test" and id "-785838285"
10-11 23:14:07.400 20164 20901 D LogcatReader: Read logcat for pid 20164

Interesting we had a user with a similar error earlier today due to spaces in the URL so this looks different. Can you file an issue on GitHub for the Android app with these logs and the issue template filled out please?

I mean the full the path to that image.


Yes, I tried that. See this post I made about that…

Report filed. Thanks


Is there a way to attach a camera entity image to a notification instead? I just realized the integration always posts the latest amazon delivery picture to camera.amazon_delivery_picture

you mean like this? https://companion.home-assistant.io/docs/notifications/notification-attachments#automatic-snapshots

keep in mind this will get the most recent snapshot at the time the notification was received on the device, its best to use the camera.snapshot service to ensure you get the actual picture you want if using a live camera.

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That will do exactly what I am needing!

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Today I have installed a ESP32-CAM running Tasmota. The ESP is running at IP address. On Automantions & scenes I have created an action where in the action I have included on the data field:

sticky: false
priority: normal
ttl: 0

I can get the camera picture (snapshot) with no problem. I will get the notification with the picture included.

I am running HA 2024.4.0; my Android is running version 14, One UI 6.0.

I hope it helps!

keep in mind the app has to download the image from teh URL when the notification was received…images are not sent from the server, just the URL. So if you are remote and not on VPN the URL may not load.

Yes, it is true. In my case, I am taking a picture of my water meter to send the reading to the water company, so it is not a problem. For those willing to get notification when out of home, then they do need a VPN to do so.

Any chance you have the github link for the issue? I am hitting the same and would love to track the issue.

looks like its https://github.com/home-assistant/android/issues/3933 if after following everythig in that issue and anything else linked to it and you still face an issue please open a new issue filing out the issue template with logs