HA Scheduler that can comm with MQTT

Hi all,
Busy with a water irrigation system for a friend. Looking at OpenSprinkler, but there is no HA integration nor real MQTT integration, so was thinking of just doing something simple on a RPi board, using MQTT messages to toggle GPIO pins, opening/closing valves. All easy enough, and can show the status of the MQTT in HA…
But now the ASK:
Looking for a scheduler, something that can be set to toggle a HA:Mqtt switch, single occurrence, repeats etc.

Home assistant has a built in weekly scheduler but it is very simple and has no dashboard card.

You might prefer this:

Also if you are not completely set on using a pi the ESPHome project has this:

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Let me go have a look.


Hi there

Looking so far :slight_smile:
Jus trying t toggle some devices at the moment, get to know it…
The timer, does it only allow start / end times in increments of 10min ?
Trying to schedule it to switch study light on at 16:15 and it refused, only wanted 16:10 or 16:20

… if i can ask another question.
is there a option to kickoff a single run schedule, aka run now, for x min.

how can i say schedule 4 items after each other, as in a queue, ie run x for 10min, then run the next queued entity for y min, followed by…


Not sure which schedule option you are asking about. If it is the custom one, ask in the thread I linked to. I don’t actually use it. I use input_datetimes and automations.