I write here because I’ve a problem: home assistant is very slow loading history (30-60 seconds).
Som stuffs:
HA docker container is enough fast (few seconds between initial HTTP request and final response. I’m using fiddler as sniffer/proxy)
my computer is enough fast (intel i7-6700,ssd, 32gb ram…)
but chrome/firefox take an huge amount of time in order to show history (I’ve also tried on other computer/tablet…same problem)
I’ve tried to profile history loading with chrome dev tools, below the screenshoot. It seems that there are huge problems about script execution/garbage collection. Any suggestion?
I’m using mysql, instead of sqlite. My problem is not about elaboration of data from server(I’m using a sniffer, so I know what elaboration of JSON responses take few seconds). Problem is “client side”, but same problem on both computer and tablet,both Chrome and Firefox
It seems like the history component is somehow entering a loop while fetching the data, causing this horrible slowness.
This has nothing to do with the database size, which is mentioned everywhere. I did a gigantic amount of exclusion, and the problem still very quickly appears even after a DB reset.