HA stops reporting Wink state changes

Using an app called Charles Proxy to intercept the SSL calls. I can post the session and send it. You will need Charles to view it

Ok, I see the tool. Did you then configure your mobile to route all traffic through your machine running charles?

Correct, I am using an emulator though. Can’t route apps you don’t own through charles unless you are running Android 4, new version prevent it.

So I found out I can export as XML and it is kinda readable lol. I replaced my email and password as well as my access token which I replaced with someRandomToken

All user that were having this issue should test out the fix that is being merged in to dev if possible https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/pull/20594 @juched spent a great deal of time diagnosing and testing this fix. Without the help of @juched this fix would not have been possible.

This fix is in the 0.87 release so please upgrade if you are having this issue and report your findings here.

Is anyone else seeing state changes not being reported from Wink to HA?

you can read all about it here

Wink/PubNub not updating

Wink made a back end change and HA needs some changes to start working again.

Gotcha. Sorry, I should have searched more thoroughly. Let me know if you need any testing help.
