HA SwitchPlate HASPone: DIY In-Wall Touchscreen Home Assistant Controller

Hi, Hello. someone still has the nodered file for the HASP?

What node red file?

Someone posted that they had converted HASP automation to Node-red.

Well then read their post.

@ShadowDrake I am very interested in the node-red flow that you created for HASP, however the link is no longer available.
Can you share again?

I´ve updated from old Hasp to HaspOne from this Link: Updating legacy HASP to HASPone ¡ HASwitchPlate/HASPone Wiki ¡ GitHub
The flashing also worked perfectly.
The display shows: MQTT Connected
But I cannot find the HaspOne under devices and if I want to create an automation I cannot select a device in the HaspOne (no suitable devices found)

Could someone help me, please :frowning:

Can you grab a debug log and post it somewhere where we can take a look?

i´ve connected with Kitty Telnet and do a Reboot.

[+71.144s] HTTP: Sending /reboot page to client connected from:
[+71.178s] HMI OUT: page 0
[+71.180s] HMI OUT: 'p[0].b[1].txt="Rebooting..."'
[+71.375s] HMI IN: [5 bytes]: 0x66 0x00 0xff 0xff 0xff
[+71.377s] HMI IN: [sendme Page] '0'
[+71.378s] RESET: HASP reset
[+71.445s] MQTT OUT: 'hasp/plate01/state/json : {"event_type":"hasp_device","eve                                                                       nt":"offline"}
[+71.747s] MQTT OUT: 'hasp/plate01/status' : 'OFF'
[+71.748s] HMI: Rebooting LCD

[+60.001s] UPDATE: Checking update URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HASwitchPlate/HASPone/main/update/version.json
[+60.444s] UPDATE: updateEspAvailableVersion: 1.02
[+60.446s] UPDATE: updateLcdAvailableVersion: 3
[+60.447s] UPDATE: Update check completed
[+60.460s] MQTT OUT: 'hasp/plate01/sensor' : '{"espVersion":1.02,"updateEspAvailable":false,"lcdConnected":true,"lcdVersion":"3","updateLcdAvailable":false,"espUptime":60,"signalStrength":-37,"haspName":"plate01","haspIP":"","haspClientID":"plate01-483fda04224","haspMac":"48:3f:da:0:42:24","haspManufacturer":"HASwitchPlate","haspModel":"HASPone v1.0.0","heapFree":21040,"heapFragmentation":22,"heapMaxFreeBlockSize":15720,"espCore":"2_7_4"}'

OK that looks good from what I can see. The capture is missing the MQTT discovery messages, but I suspect that just wasn’t pasted here because we’re seeing other MQTT messages being sent. So, next step is to confirm MQTT in Home Assistant. Do you have other MQTT devices setup? Are they working as expected?

yes, i use mosquitto broker and have other devices which work (tasmota)
now it shows this:

[+60.447s] UPDATE: Update check completed
[+60.460s] MQTT OUT: 'hasp/plate01/sensor' : '{"espVersion":1.02,"updateEspAvailable":false,"lcdConnected":true,"lcdVersion":"3","updateLcdAvailable":false,"espUptime":60,"signalStrength":-37,"haspName":"plate01","haspIP":"","haspClientID":"plate01-483fda04224","haspMac":"48:3f:da:0:42:24","haspManufacturer":"HASwitchPlate","haspModel":"HASPone v1.0.0","heapFree":21040,"heapFragmentation":22,"heapMaxFreeBlockSize":15720,"espCore":"2_7_4"}'
[+360.460s] MQTT OUT: 'hasp/plate01/sensor' : '{"espVersion":1.02,"updateEspAvailable":false,"lcdConnected":true,"lcdVersion":"3","updateLcdAvailable":false,"espUptime":360,"signalStrength":-37,"haspName":"plate01","haspIP":"","haspClientID":"plate01-483fda04224","haspMac":"48:3f:da:0:42:24","haspManufacturer":"HASwitchPlate","haspModel":"HASPone v1.0.0","heapFree":22768,"heapFragmentation":2,"heapMaxFreeBlockSize":22408,"espCore":"2_7_4"}'
[+660.461s] MQTT OUT: 'hasp/plate01/sensor' : '{"espVersion":1.02,"updateEspAvailable":false,"lcdConnected":true,"lcdVersion":"3","updateLcdAvailable":false,"espUptime":660,"signalStrength":-37,"haspName":"plate01","haspIP":"","haspClientID":"plate01-483fda04224","haspMac":"48:3f:da:0:42:24","haspManufacturer":"HASwitchPlate","haspModel":"HASPone v1.0.0","heapFree":22984,"heapFragmentation":1,"heapMaxFreeBlockSize":22736,"espCore":"2_7_4"}'
[+960.461s] MQTT OUT: 'hasp/plate01/sensor' : '{"espVersion":1.02,"updateEspAvailable":false,"lcdConnected":true,"lcdVersion":"3","updateLcdAvailable":false,"espUptime":960,"signalStrength":-38,"haspName":"plate01","haspIP":"","haspClientID":"plate01-483fda04224","haspMac":"48:3f:da:0:42:24","haspManufacturer":"HASwitchPlate","haspModel":"HASPone v1.0.0","heapFree":22840,"heapFragmentation":2,"heapMaxFreeBlockSize":22480,"espCore":"2_7_4"}'
[+1260.460s] MQTT OUT: 'hasp/plate01/sensor' : '{"espVersion":1.02,"updateEspAvailable":false,"lcdConnected":true,"lcdVersion":"3","updateLcdAvailable":false,"espUptime":1260,"signalStrength":-37,"haspName":"plate01","haspIP":"","haspClientID":"plate01-483fda04224","haspMac":"48:3f:da:0:42:24","haspManufacturer":"HASwitchPlate","haspModel":"HASPone v1.0.0","heapFree":22912,"heapFragmentation":2,"heapMaxFreeBlockSize":22552,"espCore":"2_7_4"}'

@mimk97 Can I get you to hop back onto Discord to see if we can’t track this down?

Now it works. Thanks Man.
Now i search for a Solution:
I would like to change the color of a button with text depending on an MQTT topic.
E.g. Button 4: Text “Dryer” in background color red if topic “dryer / status” is ON

There is a blueprint for that I think.

There is! I think we got @mimk97 sorted out on Discord but for those following the thread, check out this blueprint:

Display Toggle

Display Toggle


Press a button on the HASP to toggle the state of an entity. The button colors and text can change in response to the on/off state or attribute of the selected entity.

Hey guys! I have really great time scrolling through your ideas and solutions and I’m in the middle of making my first HASPone. Thanks to @luma and all guys making this project so useful and great.

I have one question since I’m quite new to HA and not an engeneer of anything like it…

How do I duplicate page layout? I want to use the same page layout as f.e. page 3 also on page 4? Is there any way to swap the pages?

Thank you and keep up the good work!

If you’ve deployed a blueprint that creates an automation for something on page 3, you can duplicate that automation, select page 4, then save + “run actions”. You’ll need to do that for each blueprint you’ve deployed to page 3.

@luma thank you master for quick reply…I deployed blueprint HASP Core functionality with “default” page layouts (1 - 11). Trying to understand how to duplicate page 3 f.e. - should I use HASP automations for page3? :face_with_monocle:

The way this works is that the Nextion project has the pages defined in firmware. So, they layout is kind of* set in stone, you then utilize the blueprints to customize what appears in each button of each page. Here is what that looks like in the provided Nextion firmware:

* You can in fact change this by editing the project HMI file in the Nextion editor, and then uploading the new layout to the screen. Doing so requires learning the Nextion editor, and also may break the provided blueprints. Expect that to require some work on your side to get that going, but it is an option you have in front of you.

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Thank you @luma for your time, efforts and dedication to this project, really appreciate it! Thank you also for your explanation! I’ll first use other pages, deploy the plate to “production” (put it on the wall and first get wife’s approval :)). Then will proceed to diving into custumization with plate2…
Thanks and keep up the good work!


Good Morning every one, there is a blueprint for HVAC? I don’t see