I am stripping a few addons from my HA setup to do some troubleshooting… I have light.haswitchplate still showing, but I cannot find anywhere where I can remove it. Anyone help please?
it is named light.haswitchplate but nothing in my config at all…
Is there anyway to reset the device? Mine stopped responding and looks like Wi-Fi isn’t working and I just want to reset it without opening up the device and removing the power connections. I should add that the device is not responding so I can’t reset it through the web interface.
If the device is not responding then sadly… you won’t be able to reset without physically disconnecting power. Does it say anything on the screen right now?
That… is sadly a known error. It appears to be an issue where WiFi is able to connect but for some reason unable to pull a DHCP address. I have some test code in place to resolve that along with some other issues that should be released here before too long.
@luma - Many thanks for this, I setup my Wemos D1 and Nextion screen last night and was blown away by how easy it was, and how slick it looks!
I’d like to integrate an MFRC522 (RFID Reader) into my HASP so that it can be used for an alarm panel, I have everything working separately, but noticed both the Nextion screen and the MFRC522 utilise Pin D7.
Do you have an idea on how I may be able to use the same Wemos for both devices ? - I searched around and found people talking about using a CS pin to switch which device will be talked to, but I’m not clear how this fits with the Nextion screen, since it only has 4 connectors… is D4 currently the CS pin ?
The Nextion is a serial interface device, so it’s using RX/TX (there’s no CS pin). I’m not familiar with the MFRC522 but it appears to be an SPI device which takes a few more pins. Can you link to the board you’re using?
@luma many thanks - i’m not super familiar with the different interfaces, since i’m fairly new to using stuff like the ESP8266 and Arduinos, but i’ll try and research the differences.
Sadly that looks like it’s not going to work. Nerd details: SPI needs a handful of pins to operate, on the ESP8266 some of those pins can be remapped to various pins, some can’t. One of those is “MOSI” (Master Out/Slave In) which is hard-wired to GPIO13 (D7 on the D1 Mini). That also is the pin used for serial RX after Serial.swap is called, which we need to use in order to allow hardware UART control of the LCD while also allowing the device to be flashed via USB without having to re-wire anything.
tl;dr - doesn’t look like it’s going to work here.
edit: Maybe it might! It turns out the RC522 supports operating in serial mode, which might work w/ SoftwareSerial on the available pins. No idea if you can modify the device you have to make this work, but there are devices available which suggest they do operate via UART/serial: https://www.amazon.com/Sensor-Reader-Module-13-56MHz-Arduino/dp/B077T38Q8H
@luma, many thanks for your guidance… I found someone has written a library to talk with the module using serial UART https://github.com/davidjonz2005/MFRC522WITHUART
If I understand correctly, I may be able to use softwareserial on say D5 and D6 for TX and RX to talk to the RFID reader, while not affecting the hardware UART for the LCD ?
Yeah I would think that should work! Let us know how that pans out, are you planning on the reader being mounted next to the device or trying to see if it will work through the screen?
I’m thinking mount next to the screen as I heard the range is not great even in open air, so not sure it would make it through the screen.
I’m planning on 3d printing a case to wall mount it (assuming I can get it all working together)