HA SwitchPlate HASPone: DIY In-Wall Touchscreen Home Assistant Controller

What happens if you do a factory reset, and then setup wifi + mqtt again?

I got a problem that has me stumped. I am working on getting a 4.3" display working and got most of it done. I used a desk version of the HASP to test out the display and got it working on that. I have a couple PCBs on order that I am waiting for (3rd package this week out of about a dozen that USPS has lost), I wired up a D1 mini to a protoboard to test out. Wired it up based on this schematics:

and flashed it with the same firmware running on the desk version.

When I plug it in, I get the initializing page and nothing more. Based on the new display running on the old controller, I don’t think it is a display problem. Now we get into the screwy part. First, if I plug a USB cable into the new controller, I get the IP/MQTT connected screen. Sometime, it will go to the first page. Plug that same cable in to an external connector so the data lines are not connect, only get the initializing page. So, tried plugging the old display into the new controller. Works perfectly with both types of power. So not the controller? But not the display either.

old controller/old display => works
old controller/new display => works
new controller/old display => works
new controller/new display => no work

On the HA side, I copied the desk version to a new device and changed all the name references. Created a new page and when the old display is connected to the new controller (works), I can make changes in HA and they show up on the display. But with the new controller/new display, doesn’t work.

What am I overlooking?

Can you drop the debug log somewhere? This is a weird one.

I was trying to avoid that :grin:. Will try to get them captured and uploaded soon.

I’ll attend to that later, thanks for the response.

Could somebody help me with mqtt. It’s setup with default settings and the plate will not connect.


Does the plate say anything about the connection? Any “rc=something” message?

RC 5
Thanks for the help

Here’s the breakdown on that, 5 means it failed to authenticate. The server didn’t like something about the username and password sent to it. Do you have anything else using MQTT? If not, maybe check out software like MQTT Explorer and see if user auth is working like you expect.

I have mqtt spun up on a Truenas server. I’ll give it a try.

Okay. Let’s see if this works. This is the output from the new controller with the new display. The log starts after pressing the reset on the D1 mini.
New Controller Display Debug Output

Here is the display at the end:

I could do the output of the old controller with the new display if that would be helpful.

played a bit and now have rc code 0. It says MQTT connect to: tcp:// failed rc=0

What happens when you use a desktop MQTT client to attach to your MQTT broker you’ve deployed? My concern here is to make sure we’re working with a known-good state. If HASP is your first MQTT client, it might be easier to troubleshoot username/password/port/etc details using something like MQTT Explorer first.

also: tcp:// isn’t a valid IP address.

Your gdrive link requires access, I hit the request button for you to authorize it.

I approved the access request. You should be able to get it now.

ohhh MY I am going to make one of these once i get time with the RGB color selection next to my bed!!! wow! Romantic seen on the way!!!

I can connect to the HA broker using mqtt explorer. When I use the same creds on the plate I see failed RC code = 0.

When we’re talking “new” display, I’m assuming new == 4.3" and old == 2.4", correct? Similarly, the controller “new” == protoboard and “old” == assembled HASP PCB, yeah?

I’m wondering if you have a power problem on the new board. Enough to provide adequate current for the smaller display (which draws less), but not enough to reliably operate the new display. If you have a multimeter around, check voltage across the LCD power pins while running. Is the voltage reading roughly the same? Or are you seeing some drop on the larger panel? If you have access to a scope, a sag that causes a problem can be on the order of a few milliseconds, so being able to trigger on that might give you additional information.

Here is something interesting. Just for fun, I took the original tft file for the 2.4" display and compiled it for the 4.3" one. Plugged it in and it is working. Just at the 2.8" display style as expected. I noticed that the display’s ground was connected directly to ground instead of through the transistor. When I moved it back to the transistor, I started having problems. Seems like it might be something to do with the ground.

You are correct. Your message came in while I was posting the ground problem issue. Going to try flashing my new TFT file and connect directly to ground and test that out.