HA takes my router down?

This could be related to the UPNP sensor in HA? Try disabling it?

Iā€™m not using this sensor. So Iā€™m affraid this isnā€™t the reason its failingā€¦

I donā€™t think itā€™s related to the issue, but Iā€™m running HassIO on my Synology NAS using a package from this thread: Hass.io on Synology DSM (native package)

Doesnā€™t look like youā€™re the only one who is having issue, saw another 3 similar posts popped up. The recommendation was PiHole and dnsmasq.

Just curious, what if you use Google nameservers, instead of your ISP DNS? You could plug in Google nameservers on your router. The reason Iā€™ms saying this because I host my own mail server. When Iā€™m at home, it understands FQDN. Once I switched to ISPā€™s nameservers, it doesnā€™t. It might work in your case.

Also, I donā€™t speak your language, but if I understand correctly that ssl error/warning is normal. Itā€™s telling you that the issued certificate could not be verified. Since you know it is your server and not being directed to another server, itā€™s harmless.

I can try using the Google DNS on my device this evening. I canā€™t change this in my router because almost everything is blocked by my ISP.

I know the SSL error is normal, Iā€™m just trying to give as much information as possible :slight_smile:

I am using hassio on a raspberry pi and I also use a Telenet wireless router. I donā€™t have any problems.
Did you try to disable upnp on your Telenet router ? You can find the setting in the advanced settings of your router.