HA to trigger Alexa routine

Can you please share with a sample config that you use for alexa media player to invoke an alexa routine?..I able to control tts of alexa from HA alexa media player, so I know that link between alexa and HA is working, I can also play with asking alexa to tell a joke stuff like that from HA, but I can’t find out the right config to call an alexa routine…As you I have a couple of pieces of hardware that right now are only compatible with alexa and not HA (some Chinese curtain motors), they work perfectly from alexa app and I have alexa routines to control position, up, down, etc…so I think my only missing piece is to how trigger/call those routines from HA… using media player service seems the more easy way and I would love to know how you did it!..+
I think other approaches involve virtual switches, ssl and lambda functions that seems to complicated for what I need…
Please point me in the right direction!
Thanks in advance…

I ended up getting a Conbee II to integrate my Zigbee devices with HA so I no longer have these configurations. But have you checked this out? (especially the section about triggering a skill).

Thank you!, yes I was reading that one and then I find out this one that actually fix some minor issues…

That’s pretty much all what is need it to trigger a routine from HA.!!