HA y Duckdns dont open HA

Hello, sorry for my English, but it is half translated. I have installed HA and then Duckdns, and now I can not enter in any way, I think it is problem of the port that is not open, but in the router it seems that if it is
El HA esta instalado en una rasperry pi 4

You need to be using port 8123 - though you can remove the line for UDP


The other option is to forward 443/TCP on the router to 8123/TCP on HA.

hola, thank you but…

Did you try the open port tester?

I don’t know how to do it
I have uninstalled the duckdns from the rasperry, but I still cannot access

With a tool like this one

This guide may also help you.

Yes, I did it with https://canyouseeme.org, it is in the first image I tried with ports 8123 and 80
I think I have the HA Core and I installed something wrong, I’m going to have to reinstall everything again

Does it work if you are not on your own network? If so you could try routing the address internally while on local network.

It only worked on my own network before I installed DuckDNS

Yes. But afterwards? It can happen that your router/modem does not support loop back. You can also trying to modify your hosts file to use the duckdns domain internally

I have uninstalled DuckDNS from ha of the rasperry, but I still can not enter

Maybe try https://homeassistant:8123
It could be that ssl is required however the certificate probably notifies invalid

Unless you configured hairpin nat,

won’t work on you inside network,
for your internal network you still use:

This you can overcome in several ways, either by changing the domain of your internal dns.
Many people swear by installing the nginx reverse proxy addon…

I have tried:
before and after uninstalling DuckDNS
But the problem I see is that it tells me that port 8123, is not open, but in the router it says yes, the router is the Livebox