If you take a look at the motion.conf in the camera you will find a setting for save_snapshots. This makes the camera store the image locally with a timestamp in /system/sdcard/motion/stills/. You might be able to use this in some manner until issue #16004 is resolved so we can trigger on the mqtt directly.
I don’t get it. I have it all working, mqtt broker, RTSP etc. I can get into the camera using the webinterface and via VLC. But… when I try to get the camera into my config, it won’t show. I only get an idle message… Anybody has an idea? What am I missing…
It is in my configuation file (and loaded) but I think that has to be the problem. I will try this weekend to take it out of the configuation, reboot en get it back in and reboot again. Hope it works.
I installed hassio all over again, but still no live stream image. ffmpeg is installed and loaded. I can view the rtsp stream from the browser and see snapshots from motion.
It shows inactive on the frondend.
It has to be something in Hassio because an other camera (no dafang) has the same problem. I just don’t know that it is and how to solve the problem
I’ve found a way to use generic ip camera instead of ffmpeg.
So it’s much faster in retrieving the picture and much better for a slow cpu (like raspberry)
Try this:
It works for me only activating RTSP H264 server.
And if i turn on MQTT status server it stop working.
Any ideas ?
I would like to activate a mqtt motion sensor in HA. But it seems that the two server can’t work together.
I set up mqtt on my dafang yesterday on ha 0.81.6. I included mqtt auto discovery. Worked fine and had an image in the ha frontend, and a whole lot of switches.
Updated to 0.82 today and I now also have a dafang motion snapshot panel as well. All working good.
I was answering the issue of whether mqtt was affecting the camera feed, which mine doesn’t.
I have now looked at the mosquitto log and yes there are constant connections and disconnections. I guess this is because dafang firmware uses mosquitto_pub to publish to mqtt. So every time new data is published, mosquitto_pub connects and disconnects. I don’t think it is an error.