HACS adds 15 minutes to HA boot time


HACS is really convenient, but every time i install or update a component, there’s a risk that exactly 15 minutes is added to the boot time of HA (I’m guessing waiting for a timeout?). The only solution I’ve found is to uninstall HACS, remove all custom components, install it all again at hope it doesn’t happen this time.

The last line in the log while the 15 minutes passes is.

2020-04-15 12:39:33 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Setting up sensor.hacs

Does anyone know of a another solution that may be a bit less time consuming?

Have you opened an issue so the developer of HACS can investigate?

Also, what is the next message in the log? It might be that that’s causing the delay.

Same problem.
every time I restart the raspberry, HACS restarts with the intro, but the installed Integrations and plugins remain active.

3x [homeassistant.components.cloud.account_link] Timeout fetching tokens for XXX

Which coincidentally sounds more fitting - ugh jumped the gun

just try remove that cloud_account integration temporarily and do a restart, that way you can confirm.
HACS is super useful and there isn’t anything really like it, Form me it hasnt added any extra time to loading HA

Thanks, no luck tho
Signed out and removed cloud: from conf yaml. no diff.

The 3 Cloud log entries could very well be related to the three times I tried to setup my Netatmo devices through the Nabu casa, which failed and resulted in 3x “Netatmo” being listed in in “discovered” with no way of removing them.

Man, my memory isnt what it used
Found the solution in another post - by me!

Signed out of HA cloud, signed in again.
Configured Netatmo components, that finally worked.
removed Netatmo components
signed out of HA cloud, signed in again.
configured Netatmo components.