HACS - Cannot Remove Integration

I installed the Google Home Timers component via HACS but ended up not using it and uninstalled it. It is completely removed from Integrations, but still shows up as installed in the HACS menu. In the HACS menu, if I click the three dots for that integration and select Uninstall, I get this message:

Integration is configured

The Google Home integration is configured, you need to delete the configuration for it before removing it from HACS

I dont have any related integration entries and I cannot find a config file to manually fix this. I did completely remove the custom component folder for that integration, but no change. Even reinstalled it under HACS, restarted, and tried to uninstall again with the same result.

Any ideas on how to get HACS to remove this entry? I would like to avoid nuking HACS and doing a fresh install if possible.

Hi !

As far as I can see, this is configured via UI, so you should have it under configuration → integrations.
Have a look also to Configuration → info and check if it’s loaded.

So it is (was) loaded in the Info tab, but does not show up in the Integrations page. There is no other custom config anywhere (like in configuration.yaml). I tried re-installing the component, settings up the integration, then removing it, restarting, etc., but still no luck.

I also stopped Home Assistant, made sure the custom_components folder for that integration was deleted, restarted, verified its not loaded as an integration in Info, and HACS stil says it cant remove.

Any other ideas to completely remove this integration from even being loaded? It just seems like an out of sync config file, but I can’t figure out where.

If you are 100% sure it’s not loaded anymore.
You can delete it from /.storage/hacs.installed + set it on unistalled in /.storage/hacs.repositories
For hacs.repositories you must set "installed": false, and "version_installed": null for the integration that you want to get rid of.
Then restart HA :slight_smile:

This should do the trick.

Do a backup of these files before modifying !

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Took a few tries, but finally got it.
Tried marking it as false for installed, null for version, etc. in the respostories file and in the .hacs file for it, but it always changed back.
What finally got rid of it was to go into the /config/.storage/hacs folder and delete the relevant .hacs file. Then under .storage, in hacs.repositories, completely delete the entry for the custom integration.
After this, restarting Home Assistant resulted in a new possible repository for component and no longer says its installed.

Thanks for your help.

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Glad you sort it out :slight_smile:
Always be careful with .storage content !
It may…go very wrong :wink:

Sorry this is adding to an old thread but I have a similar problem trying to get rid of Alexa Media Player. It sits there as a stubborn integration. I’ve deleted all the hacs files and components, but it sits there, immovable. The “Remove” button is totally ineffective. I tried editing the definition out of the hacs repository, but after a restart it reappears!

Any clues?

Never mind. Turns out you need to stop HA before editing hacs.repositories otherwise it doesn’t work.


solved the problem!

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That’s what I see with Integration can not be removed ("unknown_command") · Issue #2894 · hacs/integration · GitHub too. Unfortunately the HACS maintainer decided to not oversee my deadlock situation and does not assist on removing the HACS integration “ShellyForHASS” manually.

Therefore: What is the step-by-step process of removing an HACS integration manually?

@SNoof85 thank you for your information in HACS - Cannot Remove Integration - #4 by SNoof85, I’m just not sure when to do that because of:

Please note I have the integration configured with added devices and entities. I cannot delete them first because I don’t want to loose their history. Once ShellyForHASS from HACS is removed I will use the stock Shelly integration of HA Core.

Update: With HA Core >= 2022.7.7 the remove button in HACS is working again (HACS still v1.26.2).

Based on this proposal, the following solution is working for me:

  1. Locate your config/.storage/hacs.repositories file
  2. Search for your integration record data
  3. Remove these fields: installed_commit, installed, version_installed
  4. Also remove the related folder of your removed integration in custom_components folder.